vol. III - n. 1 gennaio-febbraio-marzo 2020

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LILLI CASANO, Qualificazione del lavoro, transizioni occupazionali, capacità delle persone: spunti da un confronto interdisciplinare sul valore del lavoro, oggi

Ricerche: Nuove tutele, capacità e competenze nei mercati transizionali del lavoro

LISA RODGERS, Recognising the Person at Work: the Case for a Relational Approach to Autonomy

ALEXANDER STÖHR, The Inclusion of Self-Employed Workers into the Beneficial Scope of Labour Law

FRANCESCA DELLA RATTA, ALESSIA SABBATINI, The Line between Self-Employment and Salaried Employment and the ILO’s New Classification of Employment Status

CRISTINA LINCARU, SPERANȚA PÎRCIOG, ADRIANA GRIGORESCU, Mapping Transitional Labour Markets Models in Europe

GIUDITTA ALESSANDRINI, Developing Capacitation: Civic Engagement and Prospects for VET Development

ANDREA SITZIA, People’s “Decent Work” and “Capacitation” in the Detention System

EWA STASZEWSKA, Internship for Unemployed: An Instrument for Vocational Activation of Young People that Prevents Them from Being Excluded from the Labour Market. The Polish Experience

KATE PHILIP, MAIKEL LIEUW-KIE-SONG, MITO TSUKAMOTO, ANNA OVERBECK, Employment Matters Too Much to Society to Leave to Markets Alone