Scheda ricerca record presente nel database

Tipologia / Typologies: [[Tipologia]]
Riferimento / Reference:
Fattori di rischio / Risk factors: [[Fattori di rischio/ Risk factors]]
Data / Date:
Nome utente che ha inserito il record:
Cognome utente che ha inserito il record:

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Chawla.pdf
Riferim: N. Chawla et, Patterns of Colorectal Cancer Care in Europe, Australia,Oxford University Press and New Zealand

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Etzioni.pdf
Riferim: R. Etzioni et al.,Evaluation of NewTechnologies for Cancer Control Based on PopulationTrends in Disease Incidence and Mortality,Oxford University Press, Volume 46, pp. 117 - 123

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Gatta.pdf
Riferim: G. Gatta et al.,Variations in Cancer Survival and Patterns of Care Across Europe: Roles of Wealth and Health-Care Organization, J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr,Volume 46, pp. 79 -87

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Karanikolos.pdf
Riferim: M. Karanikolos et al.,Health Systems Performance and Cancer Outcomes,J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr , Volume 46, pp 7 -12

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Keeffe_Rosetti.pdf
Riferim: M. C. O’Keeffe-Rosetti, et al.,A Standardized Relative Resource Cost Model for Medical Care: Application to Cancer Control Programs,Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, Volume 46

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Lipscomb.pdf
Riferim: J. Lipscomb et al.,Comparing Cancer Care, Outcomes, and Costs Across Health Systems: Charting the Course,J Natl Cancer Inst Monogr, Volume 46, pp. 124 -130

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Yabroff.pdf
Riferim: K. R. Yabroff et al.,Advancing Comparative Studies of Patterns of Care and Economic Outcomes in Cancer: Challenges and Opportunities,Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, Volume 46

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Bergelt, Work related predictor of non returning to work.pdf
Riferim: C. Bergelt et al., "Work-related predictors of not returning to work after inpatient rehabilitation in cancer patients", Acta Oncologica, n. 52, 2013

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 2012_ Heyer.pdf
Riferim: M. Høyer, K. Nordin, J. Ahlgren, L. Bergkvist, M. Lambe, B. Johansson, C. Lampic, "Change in Working Time in a Population-Based Cohort of Patients With Breast Cancer", Journal of Clinical Oncology, vol. 30, n. 23

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 2012_Rick.pdf
Riferim: O. Rick et al.,Reintegrating Cancer Patients Into the Workplace,Deutsches Ärzteblatt International, Volume 109