Titolo: PayGo Sustainability
Autore/i: Nicola C. Salerno
Istituzione di riferimento: Reforming.it
Data di pubblicazione: 4 Febbario 2015
Parola chiave 1: pay as you go
Parola chiave 2: burden on active people and workers
Parola chiave 3: welfare system long term sustainability
Short Summary (max 1000 chars):

It is a brief investigation on the sustainability of PayGo to finance health care and pension provisions.

The analysis examines data from Stability Programs of Eu Members and from the Us Bureau of Census (Cbo).

Of course it can be extented also to Eu new entry Countries and, as far as data are available, also to other big (recently) industrialised Countries (like China, India, Russia), whose internal equilbria will be able of influencing global equilibria (indeed, so it is already).

All in all, the core is very simple: how the single employee or the single active citizen will have to pay in the future for financing health care and pensions.

Even if we consider projections mainly focused on the driver of demography (as the Awg and Cbo projections are), it appears clear that PayGo financing will be put more and more under stress.

Europe and Us seem to have the same challenge in front of them, despite the fact that they have welfare systems with different inspirations and different roots, supported by different Institutions and instruments.

The analysis can be, of course, annually updated, as soon as new releases of Stability Programs and Cbo data become available.



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