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Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document work ability_ silvaggi_ del duca_ rivisto.pdf
Riferim: F. Silvaggi, D. Del Duca, Work Ability e Ageing: la sfida dell’Europa", Bollettino ADAPT, 13 aprile 2015

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document Schmitz_2010.pdf
Riferim: H. Schmitz, "Why are the unemployed in worse health?. The causal effect of unemployment on health", Labour Economics, vol. 18

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document 553c53170cf2c415bb0b2cc0.pdf
Riferim: B. Fayissa, A. Traian, Estimation of a Health Production Function: Evidence from East-European Countries, American Economic Association, Department of Eonomics and Finance

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document Promoting-Health-Preventing-Disease-Economic-Case-Executive-Summary.pdf
Riferim: David McDaid, Franco Sassi and Sherry Merkur,Promoting Health, Preventing Disease,The Economic Case,McGraw-Hill Education

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document dp9310.pdf
Riferim: P. Hullegie, P. Koning, Employee Health and Employer Incentives, Discussion Paper, IZA