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Data: 2013
Allega file:: PDF document Press-release-Global-Wellness-Survey.pdf

Data: 2013
Allega file:: PDF document ENWHP_Brochure_PH_Work_final.pdf
Riferim: EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR WORKPLACE HEALTH PROMOTION, PH work: promoting healthy work for people with chronic illness. 9th initiative (2011 2013)

Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document HBS-Global_Wellness_2012_Survey_Report_Exec_Summary-February-8-2014.pdf
Riferim: Working well: a global survey of health promotion and workplace wellness strategies - executive summary

Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document ucm_portstg_100872.pdf
Riferim: INAIL, Green jobs: impatto sulla salute e sicurezza dei lavoratori

Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document 5th_initiative_ENWHP_CD_buchkern.pdf
Riferim: Healthy work in an ageing europe - a european collection of measures for promoting the health of ageing employees at the workplace, Mabuse -VERLAG

Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document 2012_promoting healthy work for employees with chronic illness-public health and work.pdf
Riferim: A good practice guide on chronic illness at work

Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document 2012_promoting healthy work for employees with chronic illness-public health and work.pdf
Riferim: ENWHP, Promoting Healthy Work for Employees with Chronic Illness – Public Health and Work

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document ev_20110303_concl_en.pdf
Riferim: EUROPEAN UNION, Conference “Promoting mental health and well-being in workplaces”, Conclusions and recommendations for action from the perspective of the conference organizers

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document health-law-financial_incentives_to_improve_health.pdf
Riferim: K.M. Madison, K.G. Volpp, S.D. Halpern, The Law, Policy, and Ethics of Employers’ Use of Financial Incentives to Improve Health, in Journal of Law Medicine, Ethics, 2011, pp. 450–468

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document POESIA_per_malati_cronici.pdf
Riferim: PEOPLE CARE dalle malattie critiche alle prassi relazionali aziendali, Banca Popolare di Milano