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Data: 2012
Allega file:: PDF document solving methodological.pdf
Riferim: Panari C, Guglielmi D, Ricci A, Tabanelli MC, Violante FS. Assessing and improving health in the workplace: an integration of subjective and objective measures with the STress Assessment and Research Toolkit (St.A.R.T.) method. J Occup Med Toxicol. 2012

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document 381_Healthy working economies FINAL.pdf
Riferim: V. Shreeve, K. Steadman, S. Bevan, "Improving the health and wellbeing of the working age population locally. The third withe paper of the Health at Work Policy Unit". The Work Foundation

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document s12889-015-2029-2.pdf
Riferim: M. Pescud, R. Teal, T. Shilton,Employers’ views on the promotion of workplace health and wellbeing: a qualitative study,BMC Public Health, Vol 15

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document fpubh-02-00179.pdf
Riferim: Matthew Lee Smith, Mark G.Wilson,Chronic Disease Self-Management Program in the workplace: opportunities for health improvement, Frontiers in the public health,

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document s12889-015-2029-2.pdf
Riferim: Melanie Pescud,Renee Teal, et al., Employers’ views on the promotion of workplace health and wellbeing: a qualitative study,BMC Public Health, Vol 15

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document s12889-015-2029-2.pdf
Riferim: Melanie Pescud,Renee Teal, et al., Employers’ views on the promotion of workplace health and wellbeing: a qualitative study,BMC Public Health, Vol 15

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document SSRN-id2587248.pdf
Riferim: Paul Fronstin, M. Christopher Roebuck, Financial Incentives and Workplace Wellness-Program Participation, EBRI,