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Allega file:: PDF document Whats reasonable at work.pdf
Riferim: Rethinking mental illness. What's reasonable at work? A guide to rights at work for people with a mental illness

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document bitc_oneyearon_final.pdf
Riferim: Business in the Community (BITC), "Mental Health: We're Ready to Talk"

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document Occup Med (Lond)-2015-Niedhammer-126-34.pdf
Riferim: I. Niedhammer1,2, T. Lesuffleur, E. Algava, J. F. Chastang, Classic and emergent psychosocial work factors and mental health,Occupational Medicine, pp.126–134

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document Mental-health-promotion.pdf
Riferim: EU-OSHA, Mental health promotion in the workplace – A good practice report

Data: 2016
Allega file:: PDF document employee-outlook_2016-focus-on-mental-health-in-the-workplace.pdf
Riferim: CIPD, Employee Outlook: Focus on mental health in the workplace

Data: 2017
Allega file:: PDF document WHO_depression_2017.pdf
Riferim: WHO, Depression and Other Common Mental Disorders. Global Health Estimates