de Paolo Tomassetti -
Número de respuestas: 3

In this forum we discuss the organisation of activities, state of art, deadlines etc.

En respuesta a Paolo Tomassetti

Active Ageing training session

de Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

I've been asked to run a training workshop (aimed at PhD students) on extended working lives.  Could I make two requests from you all:
1) If you have PhD students or early career researchers who want to apply to go to the workshop, please encourage them to apply.  Deadline is 15 December.

2) Could we put this on the agenda for the December skype call.  I thought this would be a good opportunity to start the bare bones structuring of the training material we'll produce.  My session is called "evaluating work practices" but I think it's broad enough so i could focus on the negotiating side.  It'd be great to have material from each of the four countries I could incorporate. Then I could give a report back at Granada including feedback from participants.



En respuesta a Matt Flynn

Re: Active Ageing training session

de Chris Ball -


What are the chances of me coming along to this? I could contribute or support as you wish.


En respuesta a Chris Ball

Re: Active Ageing training session

de Izabela Warwas -

Dear Matt,

I forwarded invitation to potentially interested persons.

I am MC in this group. Organizers are very nice people.

Have a nice day
