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Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Health Workforce Planning in OECD Countries.pdf
Riferim: M. Schoenstein, Health Labour Market Trends in OECD Countries

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Research for Universal Health Coverage.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, The world health report 2013: research for universal health coverage

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Follow-up to the Political Declaration of the High-level meeting.pdf
Riferim: United Nations, Follow-up to the Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting of the General Assembly on the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF WB_Presentation_at_CHFC_Jamaica_2013.pdf
Riferim: S.Chao,Economic Impact of Non- communicable Disease in the Caribbean,The World Bank Caribbean Health Financing Conference, Jamaica (slides)

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF OECDPensionsAtAGlance2013.pdf
Riferim: OECD, Pensions at a Glance 2013: Retirement-Income Systems in OECD and G20 Countries, Paris

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF WorldPopulationAgeing2013.pdf
Riferim: United Nations, World Population Ageing 2013, Department of Economic and Social Affairs

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013-10_Basu_Expert-paper.pdf
Riferim: United Nations, Sanjay Basu, The changing landscape of non-communicable diseases and associated risk factors

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF MGI_Disruptive_technologies_Executive_summary_May2013.pdf
Riferim: McKinsey, Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey & Company, 2013

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF wcms_204755.pdf
Riferim: ILO, The Prevention of Occupational Diseases, Geneva

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Discussion_Paper_Addressing_the_Social_Determinants_of_NCDs_UNDP_2013.pdf
Riferim: United Nations Development Programme, Discussion Paper Addressing the Social Determinants of Noncommunicable Diseases