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Data: 2009
Allega file:: documento PDF convention disability.pdf
Riferim: United Nations, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Optional Protocol

Data: 2009
Allega file:: documento PDF GlobalHealthRisks_report_full.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, Global health risks,Mortality and burden of disease attributable to selected major risks

Data: 2009
Allega file:: documento PDF 42699911.pdf
Riferim: OECD, Sickness, Disability And Work Keeping On Track In The Economic Downturn, OECD Background Paper, Paris

Data: 2008
Allega file:: documento PDF preventing noncommunicable diseases.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, Global health risks, Preventing Noncommunicable Diseases in the Workplace through Diet and Physical Activity

Data: 2008
Allega file:: documento PDF disability 2008.pdf
Riferim: OECD, Sickness, Disability and Work: Breaking the Barriers vol. 3: Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the Netherlands

Data: 2007
Allega file:: documento PDF PublicPolicyandNCDsWorldBank2007FullReport.pdf
Riferim: The World Bank, Public Policy and the Challenge of Chronic Noncommunicable Diseases

Data: 2007
Allega file:: documento PDF new ways of addressing partial work capacity.pdf
Riferim: OECD, "New Ways of Addressing Partial Work Capacity, OECD Thematic Review on sickness, disability and work". Issues Paper and Progress Report

Data: 2007
Allega file:: documento PDF workers health.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, Workers’ health: global plan of action

Data: 2007
Allega file:: documento PDF Equality at work.pdf
Riferim: ILO, Equality at Work: Tackling the Challenges. Global Report Under the Follow-Up to the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work

Data: 2005
Allega file:: documento PDF vital investment.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, Preventing chronic diseases: a vital investment