Scheda ricerca record presente nel database

Tipologia / Typologies: [[Tipologia]]
Riferimento / Reference:
Fattori di rischio / Risk factors: [[Fattori di rischio/ Risk factors]]
Data / Date:
Nome utente che ha inserito il record:
Cognome utente che ha inserito il record:

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 2014%20Cancer_Early%20Retirement.pdf
Riferim: S. Singer, A. Meyer et al., Early Retirement in Cancer Patients With or Without Comorbid Mental Health Conditions. A Prospective Cohort Study, in Cancer

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 02e7e534e3a442810e000000.pdf
Riferim: F. García Torres, Anxiety in common situations of everyday life in breast cancer survivors

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF projob_gorini_pravettoni_05_14.pdf
Riferim: Gorini, A., Pravettoni, G., PRO JOB. La componente psicologica

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF iannelli_projob_05_14.pdf
Riferim: E. Ianelli, Lavorare durante e dopo il cancro. Una risorsa per l'impresa e per i lavoratori, slides, maggio 2014

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF EJON editorial Feb 14 time to act-2.pdf
Riferim: M. Wells, Z. Amir, G. Eva, Time to act: The challenges of working during and after cancer, initiatives in research and practice, European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18, pp.1-2

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_mehnert_2.pdf
Riferim: A. Mehnert, U. Koch, "Predictors of employment among cancer survivors after medical rehabilitation – a prospective study", Scandinavian Journal Work Environment Health, Volume 39, n. 1

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Taskila_3.pdf
Riferim: T. Taskila, J. Guilliford, S. Bevan, “Returning to Work Cancer survivors and the Health and Work Assessment and Advisory Service”, The Work Foundation

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Anja Mehnert _3pdf.pdf
Riferim: A. Mehnert, A. De Boer, M. Feurstein, "Employment Challenges for Cancer Survivors", Cancer, vol. 119

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Thong.pdf
Riferim: M. S. Y. Thong et al., Population-Based Cancer Registries for Quality-of-Life Research, Wiley Online Library

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_Butler.pdf
Riferim: E. N. Butler et al., Patterns of Colorectal Cancer Care in the United States and Canada: A Systematic Review,Journal of the National Cancer Institute Monographs, No. 46