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Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF cost-of-work-related-stress.pdf
Riferim: European Agency for Safety and Health, "Calculating the cost of work-related stress and psychosocial risks"

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 362_Mens_Health_Forum2014.pdf
Riferim: J. Gulliford, D. Shannon, T. Taskila, D. Wilkins, M. Tod, S. Bevan. "Sick of being unemployed. The health issues of out of work men an how support services are failing to address them", The Work Foundation, Men's Health Forum

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 597 calculating the cost of related stress - IT (2).pdf
Riferim: EU_OSHA, Calculating the cost of work-related stress and psychosocial risks, 2014

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF sickness_absence_and_disability_discrimination_feb2013.pdf
Riferim: Sickness Absence and Disability Discrimination,A trade union negotiator's guide to the law and good practice

Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Limitazioni funzioni, invalidità,cronicità gravi - 21_lug_2015 - Testo integrale.pdf

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 2012_ Report on national RTWpolicies.pdf
Riferim: ENWHP, Report on national RTW policies

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF illness, disability and social inclusion.pdf
Riferim: Eurofound, "Illness, disability and social inclusion"

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 2012_12_rivm_report_retirement_chronic_diseases.pdf
Riferim: Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, "Europeans of retirement age: chronic diseases and economic activity"

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 622.full.pdf
Riferim: Isabelle Niedhammer, Jean-Francois Chastang, Helene Sultan-Taieb, Greet Vermeylen, Agnes Parent-Thirion,Psychosocial work factors and sickness absence in 31 countries in Europe, Vol. 23, pp. 622-628

Data: 2011
Allega file:: documento PDF 2011_ Wevers.pdf
Riferim: ENWHP, The challenge of the sustainable employability of workers with chronic illnesses