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Riferimento  / Reference:
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Nome utente che ha inserito il record:
Cognome utente che ha inserito il record:

Data: 1958
Allega file:: PDF document 1958_Morris.pdf
Riferim: J. N. Morris et al.,CORONARY HEART DISEASE AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITY OF WORK, The British medical Journal

Data: 1979
Allega file:: PDF document 1979_Westaby.pdf
Riferim: S. Westaby et al.,Return to work and quality of life after surgery for coronary artery disease, British Medical Journal, Volume 2, pp. 1028 -1031

Allega file:: PDF document il_lavoratore_diabetico.pdf
Riferim: F. Tomei, Il lavoratore diabetico, Università di Roma Sapienza (slides)

Data: 2014
Allega file:: PDF document 2014_Silvaggi_Million-Hearts.pdf
Riferim: F. Silvaggi, Be One in a Million Hearts: prevenire le malattie cardiovascalari sul luogo di lavoro", Bollettino ADAPT 4 agosto 2014

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document s12889-015-2059-9.pdf
Riferim: Tessa A. Kouwenhoven-Pasmooij, Bosiljka Djikanovic,Design and baseline characteristics of the PerfectFit study: a multicenter cluster-randomized trial of a lifestyle intervention in employees with increased cardiovascular risk,BMC Public Health, Vol 15

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document PIIS0140673615602951.pdf
Riferim: Prof Mika Kivimäki,et al., Long working hours and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published and unpublished data for 603 838 individuals, the Lancet