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Data: 2002
Allega file:: documento PDF 2002_ spelten.pdf
Riferim: E. R. Spelten et al., Factors reported to influence the return to work of cancer survivors: a literature review, Wiley InterScience, Volume 11, pp 124 - 131

Data: 2009
Allega file:: documento PDF 2009_Tiedtke.pdf
Riferim: C. Tiedtke et al.,Experiences and concerns about ‘returning to work’ for women breast cancer survivors: a literature review, Psycho-oncology, Volume 19, pp 667-683

Data: 2016
Allega file:: documento PDF art%3A10.1007%2Fs00520-015-2764-z.pdf
Riferim: H. F. Dorland, F. I. Abma,C. A. M. Roelen, et al., Factors influencing work functioning after cancer diagnosis: a focus group study with cancer survivors and occupational health professionals, Support Care Cancer.