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Data: 2013
Allega file:: documento PDF Yourrightsatwork_2013_2.pdf
Riferim: MACMILLAN,Your rights at work - when you're affected by cancer

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF 2013_11_EU_structural_funds_for_health.pdf
Riferim: P.W. Achterberg, M.M. Harbers,Structural Funds for health?, RIVM

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 2014_ carta europea dei diritti del malato di cancro.pdf
Riferim: Facilitare il cambiamento: il manifesto europeo dei diritti del malato di cancro

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF CDC_2014.pdf
Riferim: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Cancer Prevention and Worksite Health Promotion: Time to Join Forces

Data: 2011
Allega file:: documento PDF CANWON .pdf
Riferim: Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of a European Concerted Research Action designated as COST Action IS1211: Cancer and Work Network (CANWON)

Data: 2007
Allega file:: documento PDF 12791b_po_final_repor.pdf
Riferim: Final Report presented to the European Commission, "Promoting new measures for the protection of women workers with oncological conditions by means of social dialogue and company-level collective bargaining" , ADAPT

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 14_0127.pdf
Riferim: Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Cancer Prevention and Worksite Health Promotion: Time to Join Forces

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF PrÇsentation CO DRH 11022014.pdf
Riferim: Presentation Cancer@Work

Data: 2014
Allega file:: documento PDF 616-SoaR-work-related-cancer-with-executive-summary.pdf
Riferim: Europen Agency for Safety and Health at Work, Exposure to carcinogens and work-related cancer: A review of assessment methods

Data: 2012
Allega file:: documento PDF NCSIVREvaluationFinalReport-SummaryFinalVersionJuly2012.pdf
Riferim: MACMILLAN, Thinking positively about work. Delivering work support and vocational rehabilitation for people with cancer