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Nome utente che ha inserito il record:
Cognome utente che ha inserito il record:

Data: 2002
Allega file:: PDF document Sep_2002_Obesity_in_Europe_Case_for_Action_2002.pdf
Riferim: International Obesity Task Force, European Association for the Study of Obesity, "Obesity in Europe. The case for action"

Data: 2014
Allega file:: PDF document Obesity-Update-2014.pdf
Riferim: OECD, "Obesity Update", June 2014

Data: 2005
Allega file:: PDF document wcms_publ_9221170152_en.pdf
Riferim: ILO, "Food at work: workplace solutions for malnutrition, obesity and chronic diseases"

Data: 2011
Allega file:: PDF document literature review obesità.pdf
Riferim: F. Sperotti, "Gli effetti dell'obesità sul mercato del lavoro". Literature review, Bollettino ADAPT, 21 febbraio 2011

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document 2015_19_fernandez.pdf
Riferim: S. Fernández, "Obesità e licenziamento: quali sfide alla luce della giurisprudenza comunitaria?", Bollettino ADAPT, 12 maggio 2015

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document wp_2015_177.pdf
Riferim: F. Sperotti, "Prevenzione dell’obesità sul luogo di lavoro. Requisito essenziale per l’allungamento della vita lavorativa", Working Paper ADAPT, 18 mayo 2015, n. 177

Data: 2015
Allega file:: PDF document 2015_01_WHO Obesity and overweight.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, "Obesity and overweight", Fact sheet n. 311, January 2015

Data: 2007
Allega file:: PDF document 2007_who_The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, "The challenge of obesity in the WHO European Region and the strategies for response"

Data: 2010
Allega file:: PDF document 2010_oecd_prevention_fit not fat.pdf
Riferim: F. Sassi, "Obesity and the Economics of Prevention. Fit not Fat", OECD

Data: 2013
Allega file:: PDF document 2013_who_Country profiles on nutrition, physical activity and obesity in the 53 WHO European Region Member States.pdf
Riferim: World Health Organization, "Methodology and summary.Country profiles on nutrition, physical activity and obesity in the 53 WHO European Region Member States"