Cost-benefit studies, CSR and active ageing

Cost-benefit studies, CSR and active ageing

by Mariano Sánchez -
Number of replies: 4


One of the participants in our roadshows made the following reflection:

"The concept "Active aging" must be incorporated into the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). In this way it would come to be part of a subject that has been trying to make its way forward for many years. In my opinion, the reason why CSR has not been implemented with force yet is that no powerful economic studies have been carried out to defend it. Companies already fulfill a very important mission, namely to create wealth and generate employment. Any other functions and roles to be played by companies must be explored from a cost / benefit perspective".

We have a couple of questions with relation to this reflection:

1) Do you know any example of a company approaching active ageing through a CSR lens?

2) Do you know any available cost/benefit study appraising the implementation of active ageing measures (even if these measures have not been approached as 'active ageing' initiatives)?


Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Cost-benefit studies, CSR and active ageing

by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hi Mariano,

The comment is interesting: thanks for sharing it!

I think CSR can justify some active ageing measures. However, from a labour law perspective, it would be incorrect to say that the overall concept of active ageing must be incorporated into CSR. One can argue that the (old) idea that the only responsibility that companies have is to create profits and employment can be better achieved, at the level of its basic normative and economic line, by implementing a good active ageing plan. In this case, I would hardly say that such company is approaching active ageing through a CSR lens: they are simply organising and managing the workforce in the most efficient way they can in order to be competitive and create profits, within a given institutional and normative framework.

Having said that, unfortunately I don't have examples and information in relation to your questions.

Best wishes,



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Re: Cost-benefit studies, CSR and active ageing

by Mariano Sánchez -


Great feedback! I concur. The CSR-active ageing debate seems a good one to purse further.

Thank you!

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Cost-benefit studies, CSR and active ageing

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

I agree with you and Paolo that a CSR Active Ageing approach would be worthwhile and I was hoping to put together a short summary which could be added into the English part of the online module.  There are two angles which could be focused on: 1) the role of large organisations in disseminating good practice HRM to small organisations and those without the resources to develop bespoke HRM policies. THere's already been a lot done through the Ethical Trading Initiative with retail firms setting standards and also providing advice and support to suppliers. 2) the use by unions of International Framework Agreements to set baselines of employment practices of multinationals which then form the basis of national level agreements especially in developing countries.  THere are three people worth talking to about this: 1) Marcie Pitt-Catsouphes (whom you met in Boston) who was interested in CSR and intergenerational issues.  Next time i'm in the US i was going to meet with her on the subject; 2) Elizabeth Cotton and Richard Croucher who wrote on global trade unions.
