Daiva Petrylaite

Vilnius University, Lithuania

Dr. Daiva Petrylaite works as associated professor at the Labour Law Department of Vilnius University. The scientific research fields of her are: Labour Law; Collective Labour Law, Labour Market Law, European Union Labour Law, International Labour Law.

Dr. Daiva Petrylaite is an author of the monograph „Collective Labour Disputes“ and the co-author of the monograph “The Implementation European Union Legal Acts in the Lithuanian Labour Law”, the co-author of the Lithuanian Labour Code Commentary. She also has published number articles in actual labour and employment law questions.

Dr. Daiva Petrylaite actively participates in labour law-making processes. She was the member of working groups preparing such drafts of laws, as Labour Code, Working Councils law, European Works Councils law and etc.   

Daiva Petrylaite has worked as chief specialist – lawyer in the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania and was responsible for participation in EU admission negotiations in social policy questions (1999-2001), at the same time she was active participant in creation Lithuanian social dialogue model, including the implementation tripartite principles in the labour market system.

From 2001 till 2005 Daiva Petrylaite has worked in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania and was responsible for expertise of the labour and social security legal acts in the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania, such as: Labour Code, Law on professional Education, law on Unemployment Protection, law on Works Councils and etc.

 From 2005 till 2006 she was the head of Lawmaking Division in the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania and was responsible for supervise of lawmaking process in internal affairs fields. Coordination of working processes of lawmaking in the field of public law, including employment laws, free movement of persons and workers and professional long-life education schemes.

From 2006 Dr. Daiva Petrylaite works as associated professor in the Vilnius University. She also is the visiting lecturer of the Cracow University.  She teaches and makes researches in such questions as right to work, right to strike, professional education and re-education. 

Research areas:  Labour Law; Collective Labour Law, Labour Market Law, European Union Labour Law, International Labour Law

CV inglese (pdf)


mail: daiva.petrylaite@tf.vu.lt

Last modified: Thursday, 5 February 2015, 10:16 PM