de Paolo Tomassetti -
Número de respuestas: 23

In this forum we post all the aspects related to the organisation of our meetings (agenda, venues etc.)

En respuesta a Paolo Tomassetti


de Mariano Sánchez -



When Matt circulated dates for our SKYPE meetings 23 November was in the list. However, he said "Stephen and I can’t make this one. May have to reschedule week before or after". Have we rescheduled that meeting? Should we just assume that next SKYPE meeting will take place on 20 December?



En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

I apologise.  I thought we had our last skype, we'd agreed to skip the 23rd for the December meeting.  Am I correct?  I just saw Iza and I know she's flying back from Portugal tomorrow morning


En respuesta a Matt Flynn


de Chris Ball -

Dear all,


Sorry to miss the call this morning. I am afraid I am down with 'flu and in no state to make it.


Did you fix the date of the next call?



En respuesta a Matt Flynn


de Chris Ball -

Forget my last message. I should have read the preceding messages. I now realise that I needn't have fussed about missing it.

Are we confirmed for the project meeting in Granada by the way? I have provisional dates of 11th and 12th April, probably travelling there on the 10th. Is that right?


I have written another blog which could be used for the project though it is a summary of research done at the University of Westminster. I will attach it for interest - any comments on possible use we can make of it

En respuesta a Chris Ball

Material for Website

de Chris Ball -



I am providing some further material that you may be able to use on the website. I will give some text that you can use as well.

"The Generation Game: Does Age Matter?" was published by Unions 21 as part of a debate about the issues raised by age for trade unionists, by Chris Ball and Wes Streeting. Ball argues that age issues need to become part of a union collective bargaining and organising agenda.

"Active Ageing in the European Chemicals Industry" is a report  based on a survey for a European Social Dialogue project. It explores the extent to which chemicals sector employers in different European countries had adopted pro-active "age management" approaches to support active ageing. The survey was designed in collaboration with the trade unions FECCIA, EMCEF and the European chemicals industry employers confederation ECEG. (Drop box link https://www.dropbox.com/s/r4aspjls4ggc7v0/Chemicals%20Survey.pdf?dl=0  )


50+ Works: A Guide for Older Job Seekers (with TAEN team) 2015 This guide was prepared to support older people trying to find employment. It gives handy hints and practical advice on how to navigate the labour market at 50+

Best wishes,


En respuesta a Chris Ball


de Izabela Warwas -

hi colleagues,

I agree wit Chris, that we have to confirm dates for meeting in Granada: 10th April travel, 11-12 April meeting, 13th travel.

Is it ok for all of us?



En respuesta a Paolo Tomassetti

Draft agenda Skype call 20/12/2017

de Matt Flynn -

Hi all-

I'm looking forward to talking to you on Wednesday.  Here is a draft agenda for the call. Let me know if you'd like any additions or deletions

1) Interim report

a) Financial report

b) Interim evaluation

2) Website/communications

a) Resources webpage

b) Blog posts

c) Twitter

3) National reports

4) Pilot studies

5) Teaching material

6) AOB

See you then!



En respuesta a Matt Flynn

Re: Draft agenda Skype call 20/12/2017

de Stephen McNair -

Very sorry to have missed the email and thus the Skype meeting this week.

I am currently sorting through all the material generated over recent weeks and will be in touch again later today. Time for another quarterly report - more to talk about this time I think.

En respuesta a Paolo Tomassetti


de Mariano Sánchez -



It has just been yesterday that we have been able to book to venue for our next partner meeting. The meeting will take place on 11 & 12 April 2018, as agreed-upon in Lodz. The venue? A meeting room at the FACULTAD DE CIENCIAS DEL TRABAJO (Faculty of Labour Sciences) whose address is the following: Rector López Argüeta, s/n.

Regarding the meeting schedule, and given previous partner meetings, we suggest to adopt a Spanish style meeting in terms of distribution of working time throughout the meeting. Here you have an example of what we mean and typically would do schedule-wise in these cases:


11th April

9:00-11:30 Session 1

11:30-noon Break

Noon-2pm Session 2

2pm-4pm LUNCH

4pm-6pm Session 3

6pm-6:30pm Break

6:30pm-8pm Session 4

9:30pm DINNER



12th April

9:00-11:30 Session 5

11:30-noon Break

Noon-2pm Session 6 and meeting closure.



This schedule would allow for 12.5 working hours. We are flexible but if ever given a choice we think that one full day and a half would do to cover all potential items in the agenda. However, the final decision is up to the whole partnership. Maybe Matt would like to discuss a little bit about the meeting's agenda before getting into the actual schedule.

Find attached a picture with the location of both the meeting venue and 3 convenient hotels in the neighbourhood.

Please, let us know what else you may need in your way to get ready for our meeting. We'll be more than happy to assist.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar




Adjunto Meeting venue + hotels in Granada.jpg
En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Matt Flynn -

Thanks Mariano-

Can i quickly check if everyone has 25 January in their diaries for the next skype meeting?  I think i may have made a mistake.  If it is in your diaries, could we keep the agenda we had before:

1) Interim report

a) Financial report

b) Interim evaluation

2) Website/communications

a) Resources webpage

b) Blog posts

c) Twitter

3) National reports

4) Pilot studies

5) Teaching material

6) AOB



En respuesta a Matt Flynn


de Mariano Sánchez -


Are we set for the SKYPE meeting as announced by Matt? I am ready.


En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Izabela Warwas -

Dear colleagues,

I have two questions:

1) Do we plan Skype meeting 22nd of March?

2) Should we discuss next project meeting in Granada? Place, schedule and content. 

Further activities in the project to be clarified/discussed at a meeting in Granada.
• Promotion of reports prepared in the ASPIRE project
• Further work on materials from the workshops? Are there any codes/areas for in-depth analysis?
• E-learning materials for platform: concept, themes, exercises,
• Common publications based on project results? Topics? Where is located?
• Final conference in Brussels: formula, date?
• A new joint project?

Have a nice Sunday



En respuesta a Izabela Warwas


de Mariano Sánchez -


If Matt and the rest of you send me items for our meeting in Granada, I'll prepare an agenda.

Have a nice week!


En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Mariano Sánchez -


As committed, find attached a first draft of the agenda for our partner meeting in Granada. Please, let us know by 2nd April whatever comments that you may have. Thank you.

Pilar & Mariano

En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Mariano Sánchez -


We would need to know how many of you are finally coming. Dinner on 11th April must be booked in advance and we would like to know the number of us attending. Please, let me know your feedback before next Wednesday. Thank you!

Pilar & Mariano

En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Izabela Warwas -

Hi Mariano and colleagues,

in our project meeting from ULOD side will take part me and Marta. We checked the agenda and for us everything is clear. Looks like effective programm.

So see you in Granada in a few days.

And now Happy Easter!

Iza nad Marta

En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Chris Ball -

Hello Mariano,

I hope you won't consider me ungracious but I am afraid that I can't really manage dinner at 21.30 on the Wednesday evening. I am sorry to miss it and thanks for the invitation, but please count me out.

Looking forward to seeing you



En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Mariano Sánchez -

Please, be ready to pay the cost of coffee-breaks during our meeting. Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a funder for that particular expense. We presume that cost per person will be around 10 Euros for all three coffee breaks along the meeting.


Pilar & Mariano

En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Izabela Warwas -

Dear Mariano and Aspire team,

I attache presentation for Granada meeting with some proposals and remarks to discussion in part of dissemination of national reports, which Mariano mentioned in agenda.

See you in Granada!


En respuesta a Mariano Sánchez


de Mariano Sánchez -

Find attached the second draft of our Agenda for Granada. We have just changed the slot allocated to EVALUATION as per Stephen's request.

Pilar & Mariano