Michael Quinlan - University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Professor Michael Quinlan
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Professor of Organization and Management at the University of New South Wales since 1994, an Honorary Professor at the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydeny (2009-2011) and Adjunct Professor at the Business School, Middlesex University since 2007. His research interest focuses mainly on occupational health and saftey, precarious employment, immigrant/ foreign and vulnerable workers, and Industrial relations/labour history. He has published prolifically on the subject and served as expert witness and consultant on the OHS issues for state and federal governemtns as well as for international organizations including the WHO. |
Research interest: Industrial relations and labour market governance.
CV inglese (pdf) - Pubblicazioni
E-mail: m.quinlan@unsw.edu.au
Website: https://research.unsw.edu.au/people/professor-michael-garry-quinlan