by Paolo Tomassetti -
Number of replies: 194

In this forum we post all the discussions related to methodology of research and the related outcomes, as well as dissemination strategies

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear all,

some issues related to web site and dissemination strategies.

(I) Blog

Unfortunately it's not possibile to create a blog on our website for technical reasons. However, there are several alternative options:

a. We create a blog on our moodle cooperation platform, which would be accessible also to externals. On our web site we create a link that points visitors to our blog placed in the moodle cooperation platform. This option, however, could be implemented from January 2018, when the blog application will be released by moodle.

b. In the meantime, if we want to post something which is read by thousands of people, we could create a special column of the ADAPT International Bulletin: http://englishbulletin.adapt.it/adapt-international-bulletins/ The ADAPT's Bulletin is released every two weeks in cooperation with labour departments of several top ranked universities (Cornell, UCLA, Monash...). 

(II) Resources

ADAPT'ITs are already working on a new page of our web site called "Resources". This will be ready soon.

(III) Internal communication

I restructured the moodle area related to communication. The old discussions are placed in the forum named "Archive forum", yet we don't have to post anymore on this forum. Now we have to use the forum named "Internal forum". Please don't create new discussions. If you have to post something, please do this by replying to one of the forums of discussion that I just launched.




In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear Matt,

This is to inform you that Francesco Nespoli from ADAPT is able and keen to create tags/categories and coding the audio files of the workshops, according to your and Chris indications.

If you also confirm this, the 25 days of activities will remain on ADAPT's budget.

Looking forward to reading your feedback.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Paolo,

I can't find how to add new discussion topic inside IMPLEMENTATION.

Could you help me?

I will send mail in the meantime.



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Paolo Tomassetti -


Dear Iza,

it's not necessary to add a new discussion topic. If your message fits within the general category "implementation", I only suggest to reply to my first post and to add on top of your new post an object in bold type that identifies the contents of your message, just like the example above.

Hope this can help.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Paolo-

Sorry i missed this before.  THis is great news.  Yes, according to the budget, it is 25 days.




In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Izabela Warwas -


in attached file you can find some proposals related to our national reports - common editing.

I put three questions to all of us.

See you next minutes.


In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Chris Ball -


The only comment I would make is that the layout proposals seem OK in principle but I would find it easier to express a final view if we could see one of the reports laid out as you suggest.


Re the titles - I suggest we unify them in some way so that there is a coherence. 

Active Ageing through Social Partnership and Industrial Relations in Europe. National Report for the United Kingdom 

would seem OK (obviously changed for the other reports, Poland etc (Please note the spelling of "Report" and the use of title case).

In reply to Chris Ball


by Mariano Sánchez -


I like Chris' input.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Chris Ball -

Unfortunately the Huffington Post decided not to take my blog - they thought it was "too promotional,". 

So I have revised it again and will see if I can post it somewhere else, but in the mean time I have put it on my Linked in site. You can see it here and tweet the connection if you wish.

It has been much reduced in length and rather watered down in terms of content about the project but as a shorter piece it may be more widely read.

You can read the piece here 



In reply to Chris Ball


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear Chris,

If you want, we can publish it in ADAPT's international bulletin.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Hi Paolo,

Yes that would be good too - no point in wasting it. I will go back to one of the earlier versions however and send you something a bit longer, though I do think the criticism of appearing "promotional" is reasonable so I will try to avoid that. I will come back to you.


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Hi Paolo,

Thanks - please use it in any way that will be useful to the project. the International Bulletin sounds ideal.



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Izabela Warwas -

Hi everybody,

below you can find editing proposal for our report.

Editing pattern:

  • Font - Times New Roman,
  • Font size - 11,
  • Spacing 1,5
  • No interline
    • Margins: moderate: lower/ upper 2,54; right /left 1.91
    • Tables and Figures should be numbered consecutively in all report
    • All references should be indicated in the report by the author's surname followed by the year of publication: e. g. Hellwig (1968). Where references include three or more authors, the form Hellwig et al. (1993) should be used.
    • Bibliography must be listed alphabetically by the surname of the first author followed by the title, journal name, volume, pages for journal references, year (journals); and author(s), title, and publisher for the book references, city and year (books).

Form of each report:

  • Executive summary (2 pages)
  • Introduction
  • Basic report (structure/several points)
  • Bibliography

Is it ok? Ca we agree with it?

Best Regards


In reply to Izabela Warwas

Re: report_editing

by Mariano Sánchez -


Now that I am working on the Spanish report I wonder about page numbers' format and the need to include a table of contents. Any thoughts about that?


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Dissemination

by Paolo Tomassetti -


Hi all!

Just a quick update about dissemination of our project.

On ADAPT bulletin web page:


On ADAPT international bulletin:


On Twitter:



Next week Chris' article will be in the ADAPT bulletin as well.




In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

UK Finance rep workshop

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

Chris and I had a workshop last week of union reps in the finance sector.  Attached are the notes which Chris took.  It was a really interesting discussion and we got a lot out of it.  One of the reps is with Newcastle Building Society.  He's put us in touch with the head of HR who is keen to join an employer forum which we'll organise early in the new year.


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hi All,

here's a quick feedback on the pilot workshop I just had with an employers' representative of agricultural companies and a trade unionist from CGIL-General Confederation of Italian Workers.

Structure of the workshop

- Ripetitive questions/answers: in most cases different questions lead to same answers, or the persons involved in the workshop tend to digress beyond the limit of a specific question, covering also other issues which make inappropriate other questions afterward
- How to prepare toolkit and dissemination: the internet must be complemented with face-to-face relationships as social partners are generally unprepared to use IT instruments
- Importance to involve trade unions federations of retired workers: they are a good channel of dissemination and lobbying, also towards sectoral federations internal to the same confederations which are generally more preoccupied with contingencyes
- Workshops should last no more than 1 and 1/2 hour
- Better to involve both side of industry
- Better to circulate preliminary information or even questions among the participants
- Importance to contextualize active ageing within a wider conceptual framework to understand and manage changes in society, economy and the labour market as a whole. The discussion involved the theroretical foundations of contemporary society and capitalism. Problems linked to active ageing must be addressed in a broader discourse of a new social contract that fits for all
- Importance to understand active ageing as a life-long learning process
- Importance of occupational welfare and related measures
In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Mariano Sánchez -


As agreed along our last SKYPE call find attached all the slides that we used during our pilot workshop. All slides are in Spanish! Let us explain you a little bit how these slides were organized for the workshop:

- Slide #2: Workshop's main goal.

- Slide #3: Workshop agenda.

- Slides #4-8: About the ASPIRE project: concepts, objectives, expected outputs.

- Slide #9: About the organizations participating in the workshop.

- Slides #10-11: 5 key questions to be covered throughout the workshop:

1) How do industrial relations inhibit and/or facilitate collective agreements on active ageing?

2) How are age and ageing perceived in workplace contexts?

3) How are employers and trade unions responding to EU and national active ageing policies?

4) How are the interests of older and younger workers negotiated and reconciled?

5) How are being shared existing good practices on active ageing?

- Slides #12-16: each slide focuses on one of the 5 key questions. How? Suggesting several questions to be addressed so that through them an answer to the key question may be attained.

- Slide #17: Homework. We ask workshop participants to email back their individual replies to the following 4 quesitons:

1) 3 main keys to approach active ageing in industrial relations.

2) 3 most important barriers inhibiting the progress of active ageing in workplace contexts

3) 3 elements able to facilitate the promotion of active ageing in workplace contexts.

4) 3 basic tips regarding the training that we intend to organize in the framework of ASPIRE.


We hope that you may find all of this helpful.

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Chris Ball -

Hello Pilar and Mariano and Happy New Year everyone,


Thanks for sending your slides and translations. This is an interesting way to approach the workshop and I am sure we will all look forward to seeing your report of it in due course.

A small point which struck me in the discussion in the last skype call and arising from the pilot workshops which Matt and I have held so for,  was that it would be important to include in our summaries of the workshops something about the impressions we ourselves gained (as facilitators and participant observers) on the attitudes and the degree of engagement of reps with our subject matter. As such observations  inevitably depend on the individual observer, I wonder if we need a few standard questions to ask ourselves after each workshop  in the interests of consistency . What do you think? I am happy to draft a short list if people think this would be useful. 


In reply to Chris Ball

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Izabela Warwas -

Thank you Mariano and Pilar for presentation. I have to look your document and I will try to implement your experiences.

Till now mine and Bogusława presentation is in attached file.


1. Prerequisites for the Aspire project (przesłanki projektu Aspire)
2. Information about the project (informacje o projekcie)
3. The idea of active aging (idea aktywnego starzenia się)
4. Strategic documents and measures of active ageing (documents strategiczne i miary).


this is a very good idea to do short summary of atmosphere and impressions after worksop. In my opinion without deeper questions. Just open.

Happy New Year 2018!



In reply to Chris Ball

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Chris,

Happy New Year to you and everybody else too!

We actually talked about drafting that short list along our last SKYPE call. I volunteered to give it a first shot but I don't mind you to take the lead if you want. Overall, my recommendation is keeping the summaries of the pilot workshops short and very much condensed.

Happy to follow you lead!


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Chris Ball -

Hi Mariano,

Yes I  see we agreed that we should include  reflections on how the workshop went. I would suggest something along the following lines, but you may wish to add to or substitute your own.

Here is my first stab at a list of prompts for workshop leaders to use in writing reports. Not all may seem relevant in every case but it seems to me that trying to cover these sorts of points across all of the project partner countries could make for an interesting mix of qualitative/ impressionistic comments.

1. Short summary of overall make up of workshop. Who are the participants (employer and trade union reps, roles, sectors covered, gender, age, ethnicity balance etc)

2. Any special points regarding context of discussion (e.g. disputes, history of conflict or collaboration, relationship between union and management). How far are they already engaged in a social dialogue or social partnership process? Any significant agreements to mention? Is there an enthusiastic leader on management side or the union side? etc

3. Overall impressions regarding predisposition of participants towards active ageing as a goal and what may be driving their views. Have they been involved in individual cases which have changed the ways they see the issues of active ageing? Does the wider union or employers association seem to have influenced thinking? Any comment on the impact of state or EU policies on the thinking of participants?

4. Were the participants well informed/ indifferent/ antagonistic towards the component ideas and notions of active ageing? (E.G. changing nature of retirement, increasing life expectancy but unequal opportunities and burdens arising from this, importance of older workers seeking new careers and new skills, wider angles on active ageing including community activism) Did they volunteer ideas, suggest that trade union and/or employer could have a promotional role, act as a change agent to drive active ageing as a social agenda?

5. Any specific aspects of working life, (e.g. arduousness of work, target driven nature of work, approaches of management, extent of flexibility, shift working etc) that emerge as conditioning orientation to active ageing/ working longer?

6. Your judgement as to the degree enthusiasm/ interest of reps and management to take up the issues of active ageing and which angles seem most relevant. Are they already engaged with the subject? Did they leave feeling enthusiastic?

7. Any specific ideas or tools that struck you as particularly noteworthy?


You may think this is too long a list but thinking ahead to the kind of paper which might be of wider interest, it seems to me that comments embracing some of the above could be useful.





In reply to Chris Ball

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Izabela Warwas -

Dear Chris,

it is very valuable list. I am thinking about only two points: 

4. Were the participants well informed/ indifferent/ antagonistic towards the component ideas and notions of active ageing? (E.G. changing nature of retirement, increasing life expectancy but unequal opportunities and burdens arising from this, importance of older workers seeking new careers and new skills, wider angles on active ageing including community activism) Did they volunteer ideas, suggest that trade union and/or employer could have a promotional role, act as a change agent to drive active ageing as a social agenda?

5. Any specific aspects of working life, (e.g. arduousness of work, target driven nature of work, approaches of management, extent of flexibility, shift working etc) that emerge as conditioning orientation to active ageing/ working longer?

These are the aspects which we will be analyzing in Nvivo (the script provided by Francesco from Adapt). Will we not repeat ourselves?




In reply to Izabela Warwas

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Stephen McNair -



In the original evaluation plan we were going to distribute a simple evaluation sheet to workshop participants to get some impression of their attitudes to the issues of an ageing workforce, and to the workshop process. When we met in Bergamo we were unsure about the feasibility of this – because they might be unwilling to complete it, because of language/translation issues, and because of the complexity of the issues we wanted to evaluate.
It seems to me that Chris’ proposal for reporting on the workshops will serve much the same purpose. Certainly his questions cover the same ground. It is true that we would be dependent on our own judgements rather than getting direct feedback from participants, but we will certainly get much richer evidence.
If we still want to have a feedback from for the participants themselves, I will produce a draft form quickly for you to translate – since I know workshops are in progress already. If not, I would be happy to analyse the reports in Chris’ format as part of the evaluation report instead.

In reply to Stephen McNair

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Mariano Sánchez -


We are certainly more in favour of following Chris' format at this point.


Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Stephen McNair

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish workshop

by Izabela Warwas -

Good morning,

I agree with Mariano opinion. Thanks Stephen!

I have my pilot today in Warsaw, so tomorrow I will send some information about.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

(IV) IMPLEMENTATION: Executive summary

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

One quick question? Do we have a final version of the overarching executive summary whose draft was circulated by you on 10 October? I am talking about the executive summary condensing content from all national reports.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION - Spanish report & summary

by Mariano Sánchez -


Pilar and I have been able to review and edit the Spanish desk report following Iza's instructions. Find it attached. We are attaching as well the report's executive summary both in English and Spanish.

With these two documents we consider fully finalized our contribution to WP3 in the project.

All best wishes,


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

UK National Report, Exec

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Everyone

Attached are the UK report and summary.  I've also included the second version of the consolidated summary (the one structured around the five research questions).  I've also separated out the first part of the UK report which Chris wrote giving a rundown of previous European funded projects on workplace active ageing.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear All, 

here's a list of issues that I planned to discuss with you all this morning:
(1) In enclosure there are the final version of the Italian report and the executive summary
(2) We updated the publication area of the website with the articles already published on ADAPT's newsletter. As agreed, once all the reports will be ready to publish, we upload them above the articles in the same form of the resources page
(3) The resources page is ready with all the selected reports uploaded
(4) Unfortunately it is not possible to add a blog on the moodle platform yet. We should wait few weeks more
(5) As for the contributions to be published in ADAPT's international newsletter, it is important that I receive their final versions edited in the form in enclosure. I still haven't received the final draft of Mariano's and Chris' articles to be published there
(6) ADAPT's financial officer is in touch with Julie on the interim financial report
(7) I haven't responded to Stephen’s evaluation yet. I'm sorry but I missed his message: would you be so kind to resend the evaluation form?
(8) As anticipated to Matt, I scheduled 3 workshops with social partners in the next few weeks. I will organise the last workshop asap. Do we have a final version of the protocol to be followed?
(9) I booked the flight for the meeting in Granada! Looking forward to meeting you all there!
In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hello Paolo,

Find attached our blog piece to be published in ADAPT's international newsletter. Along the SKYPE meeting I raised the issue of authorship of this piece (should the piece just be signed by the ASPIRE's research group). However, I have included our names given that in your format you were specifically asking fro them. That said, no problem to change authorship if we decide on a different strategy regarding this specific piece in which you all have contributed.

Find attached as well the final blog piece as it was circulated last Thursday.


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear all,

a quick update to inform you that both Cris' and Mariano/Pilar's articles are published in our website, ADAPT's website and twitter:
Next week they will also be published in our newsletter.
In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Thanks Paolo,

I tweeted links from both my own and @TAEN_UK twitter accounts


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Izabela Warwas -

Hi again,

I attache Polish summary. Report I will send tomorrow, it needs some edition work. Sorry for delay.

Have a good day


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hello everybody,

Here's the link to the ADAPT's bulletin with the new ASPIRE articles published:




In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Hi All,

Just to try to make things easier, if there is general agreement that reports should include the headings I listed previously, I have produced a single sheet that can be printed out or even used as cut and paste headings prompt.

If there is a feeling that this is too impressionistic or that we should not rely on our own subjective judgements alone, I would be happy to try to turn the headings into a "happy sheet" survey for participants. I do not think it is a question of "either/or" however.


In reply to Chris Ball


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Chris,

Thanks for taking the time to produce this sheet. We have no problem to follow it. I'd suggest just to add 2 questions at the very end:

1) Which down-to-earth and practice oriented conclusions have we withdrawn from the pilot to be taken into account in the preparation of next workshops?

2) Is there anything that we have learned from the 4 interviews (2 employers + 2 union representatives) carried out within WP3 which might be relevant to prepare our next workshops?

We are introducing the second question not to miss ealier learning and tips from initial interviews.

Mariano & Pilar




In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Izabela Warwas -

Chris, Mariano, Pilar,

I like this concept. I will try to do my Aspire Workshop Report form my pilot based on this pattern.

One sentence/information. Workshop was successful. I have some suggestions for questions, etc. We can discuss it via Skype 22nd of February.



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Chris Ball -

Hello All,

I have done a short piece on "de-retirement" for the journal "People Management," I hope you find it of interest.



In reply to Chris Ball


by Mariano Sánchez -

Nice piece, Chris! Everything indicates that we have ahead times which are prone to relevant changes in our life courses. As you recommend, all of this merits more attention.



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Chris Ball -

Thanks Mariano!

We must continue to hope, strive and argue. (No doubt you can think of more action verbs!)



In reply to Chris Ball


by Chris Ball -

Dear All,


I thought I would just send you the link to the webinar flyer we have posted on Event Brite - a platform to invite and recruit participants in events, manage them and so on.


This is the webinar link https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/engaging-with-employees-for-active-ageing-webinar-tickets-43237160511


And this is the workshop for union reps in the Local Government, Health and Not for Profit Sectors, which will be held on the 28th Feb




Best wishes,



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

reporting from Polish pilot workshop

by Izabela Warwas -

Good morning,

I prepared report from pilot on pre-agreed shit. Have a look.

Have a nice weekend


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear All,

please find attached our feedback on the pilot workshop and also the semi-structured interviews we conducted with employers' and workers' representatives. It (indirectly) covers all the seven Chris' questions.




Our unit of analysis

We conducted the pilot workshop on December 20, 2017, with and employers' representative of agricultural companies (male, 32 years old) and a trade unionist from CGIL-General Confederation of Italian Workers (female, 30 years old). The workshop was also participated by a post doc researcher with an expertise on managing workers affected by chronical disease (female, 29 years old) and Ph.D. student (male, 25 years old).

We also conducted 4 semi-structured interviews with the following persons:

-  2 trade unions officials from one on the main trade unions federations in the metalworking industry in Italy. The first one (female, 43 years old) is responsible for companies based in Lazio region. The second one (female, 30 years old) works at collective bargaining department of the Lombardy region.

-   1 official from the lead employers’ association for the Modern Retail sector in Italy, working at the national department for labour policies and welfare (male, 35 years old).

-  1 official from the main employers' association of agricultural companies (male, 32 years old).

The following information reflect both the contents of the background interview and the pilot workshop.


Common views and positions

All people interviewed and involved in the workshop seemed generally enthusiastic about active ageing in general and the project in particular. The general impression was that, although the promotion of active ageing is not among the priorities of social partners in Italy, the issue is starting to be considered following some pressures from their members. This is in line with the traditional Italian logic of collective action according to which trade unions and employers’ associations strategies are shaped and influenced by problems emerging at the shop floor. Therefore, social partners tend to recognise that active aging is an issue of considerable concern, but it needs time to go on top of their agendas.  This is also why active ageing measures in collective agreements are still scarce.

(Some) interviewees and participants to the workshop tried to elaborate their own definition of what active ageing is. They are not aware of technical definitions or of the debate in literature. They generally have in mind the idea that the working population is ageing, workers will stay longer at work, and these trends necessitate specific responses to manage the related challenges and take the opportunities. They generally agree that “sustainability” is the keyword to approach the issue: this means to keep older workers productive and to allow them to respond to the increasing work-life balance demands. In this connection, the industrial relations approach is generally perceived as a better way to reconcile sustainability with productivity.

In the pilot workshop, participants stressed the importance to contextualize active ageing within a wider conceptual framework to understand and manage changes in society, economy and the labour market as a whole. The discussion involved the theoretical foundations of contemporary society and capitalism. Problems linked to active ageing must be addressed in a broader discourse of a new social contract that fits for all. They also highlighted the importance to understand active ageing as a life-long learning process as well the centrality of occupational welfare and related measures. Personally, I think that this discussion was very much fuelled by the educational level and sensibility of the two representatives involved in the workshop and it didn’t reflect at all the general understanding and perception of the problem by social partners.

Finally, apart from one case, social partners seem to be generally unaware of technical aspects related to statutory legislation (e.g. some contractual schemes, incentives etc.) potentially useful to support active ageing policies.


The position of employers’ associations

Employers’ associations tend to take a bottom-up approach to active ageing. They mainly act in response to companies’ requests. Therefore, they mainly play a consultancy role for their members. Their labour law and industrial relations departments – which normally carry out consultancy activities toward their members – is competent on active ageing. Active ageing is a priority for the federation to the extent that it is a priority for their members. An interviewee state that: “We believe this is a critical issue for our members and its relevance will increase in the next few years. Skills shortages coupled with ageing workforce put pressure on our members, thus retaining older workers, ensuring their sustainability, and allowing them to transfer value to new generation of workers become priorities”.

Employers’ associations argue that there is a divide between bigger and smaller companies. Big companies tend to address the problem of an ageing workforce as a priority. SMEs are less attentive on this issue. On the other hand, big companies are also those where more structured MRM departments exist: they tend to involve the federation in case of very technical issues, mainly concerned with the interpretation of normative provisions, or when there is a specific need to be addressed to public institutions. Moreover, MNEs are those where HRM takes place in a cultural environment most favourable to concentrate on active ageing. An interviewee referred to German companies operating in Italy as a good example in this respect.

In general, the approach of employers’ associations to active ageing tends to strike a balance between sustainability and productivity of an ageing workforce. According to an interviewee, the policy rationale is “to combine the needs of older workers, in terms of work-life-balance, health and safety and motivation, with the need of the companies to keep workers productive”. These aspects are seen as two sides of a same coin in principle. However, in some contexts is much more difficult to combine them, because short-termism tends to prevail in HRM. Workers wellbeing in general, is considered as a cost: the return in terms of productivity is not immediate. Active ageing, in contrast, necessitates investment and a long-term perspective: this is the high-road to productivity.

In this connection, the industrial relations approach is perceived as a better way to reconcile sustainability with productivity: “The important is that trade unions have a collaborative and proactive approach to this topic and not a conflictual one. If trade unions are keen to collaborate on active ageing policies their support becomes fundamental, as they better know the needs of the workforce”. A company’s firm-level agreement, which was agreed by management and workers’ representatives, establishes a so-called positive action committee which is tasked with proposing initiatives and solutions for promoting diversity and inclusion, also through a company project called ‘inclusion and diversity’, and monitoring the actions of the company’s active ageing project designed to support the activities and the potential of employees over the age of 55. This was reported as a good example of how cooperative industrial relations can result in good measures to promote active ageing at company level.

Collective bargaining is also fundamental when it comes to implement some normative provisions to promote active ageing or intergenerational relay schemes. However, both companies and workers’ representatives are rather sceptical on this issue, as that kind of measures implicates an added cost for companies or a reduced net income for workers.

Beyond collective bargaining, bilateral bodies are also mentioned as a source of regulation and financing of active ageing policies. Training, income support in case of working time reduction or any kind of welfare measure directed to older workers can be potentially covered by bilateral bodies. However, in most cases such opportunities are unknown.


The position of trade unions

Trade unions are clear that active ageing should be addressed bilaterally. This is because active ageing is an issue of common concern for both employers and workers. Sustainability is the keyword to approach the issue: this means to keep older workers productive and to allow them to respond to the increasing work-life balance demands.

Nonetheless, trade unions are also clear that active ageing is not a priority for trade unions so far. They are vocal against the Government when it comes to pension reforms; but active ageing policies are hardly settled and implemented. Instead, what emerge is that companies, especially the big ones, tend to address this issue unilaterally. This is unfortunate because managing the issue at company level, or without trade unions coordination, risks create dualism in the labour market. Indeed, just the most profitable and structured companies are keen to invest on active ageing, while on average firms are too much concerned on labour cost and short-term management of older workers’ problems.

This problem is likely to intensify in the metalworking industry because of technological change. The opinion on this aspect is twofold: on the one hand, automatization makes production more sustainable for workers as workers, including older workers, are less and less requested to carry out heavy activities; on the other hand, job polarisation and skill changes risk to penalise older workers. Risks seems to prevail over opportunities. Thus trade unions should act in order to ameliorate and mitigate the technological effect on the older workforce.

In terms of levels of collective action, an interviewee argued that multi-employer bargaining is essential to give universality to the agreed measures. It is important to guarantee a combination of bargaining levels: resources and institutions should be agreed at a national level; then the local level of negotiation should implement and modulate them. In this connection, the trade unions’ representative gave a positive evaluation of some economic incentives that the law recognises in favour of work-life balance measures agreed in firm-level collective agreements. These measures should be spent also to fund programmes focused on older workers. Training programmes, mentoring actions and working-time organisation are key elements that should be negotiated by social partners.

A final comment was given on the wage structure and its rigidity. A provocative question was asked about the fairness of a wage system where older workers produce less and earn more while young workers produce more and earn less. The trade unions’ representative said that this is largely a false problem: it is not necessarily true that older workers produce less and earn more. However, the interviewee also recognises the importance that wages should be based more on competences than on seniority.


Structure of the workshops

In terms of structure of the workshop and possible improvements, we and the participants noticed the following:

-  Repetitive questions/answers: in most cases different questions lead to same answers, or the persons involved in the workshop tend to digress beyond the limit of a specific question, covering also other issues which make inappropriate other questions afterward.

-  How to prepare toolkit and dissemination: the internet must be complemented with face-to-face relationships as social partners are generally unprepared to use IT instruments.

-  Importance to involve trade unions federations of retired workers: they are a good channel of dissemination and lobbying, also towards sectoral federations internal to the same confederations which are generally more preoccupied with contingencies.

-  Workshops should last no more than 1 and 1/2 hour.

-  Better to involve both sides of industry.

-  Better to circulate preliminary information or even questions among the participants.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Thanks for your detailed and very interesting report Paolo.

Do you think it will be possible to draw from this and your own personal reflections, a short one or two page summary following the sub-headings in the "Prompt Sheet"? I think you have captured valuable insights here and it would be great if we can get them all to follow the common format, as discussed this morning.

Really interesting - thanks



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Matt Flynn -

Dear all-

As promised, in advance of Monday morning’s call, I have read through the summaries and made a few amendments with track changes.  Please feel free to also add/make deletions using track changes for a final version.

1)     Need to be flexible on timing and modes of communication: the Polish discussants thought 90 minutes was too long, but the UK participants were happy to stay for 3+ hours. Italians (and possibly Spanish) were happy to follow up with emails and homework. My recommendation is that we adopt an hourglass approach to the protocol asking a few broad questions at the beginning to capture broad views on active ageing followed by more detailed questions to get more granular information. I would say the broad questions are: a) what does your union/employer think about ageing workplaces; b) what do you think older workers want in terms managing extended working life; c) what is being done now to support older workers and promote active ageing; and d) how can social dialogue help?

2)     There seem to be some differences in perspective on what Active Ageing means to respondents with Polish discussant framing it as a business case issue more similar to the UK and Spanish and Italian discussants taking a broader perspective.  Chris and I got some interesting perspective by asking the question “How important is work within the context of active ageing?”

3)     I’ve added a question on whether there are important people either within or outside the organisation who are important in the social dialogue on active ageing (prompts: retired workers, occupational health specialists, pension managers)? Which came from the Polish workshop

4)     I note that some respondents found some questions to be repetitive.  I haven’t taken out any question, as the protocol is meant to be a series of prompts for us rather than verbatim questions which need to be asked at each session.  I’ll be happy to take suggestions on what should be deleted, but I think a longer list can help with longer workshops or where participants are less vocal and/or go off topic.

5)     We need a feedback form to distribute and collect for the evaluation.  I’ve attached a draft here.

THanks! I look forward to talking to you Monday.




In reply to Matt Flynn


by Matt Flynn -

Sorry, i meant Tuesday morning. 8am continental time

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -



Find attached the Spanish report.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Chris Ball -

A really interesting report Mariano!



In reply to Chris Ball


by Izabela Warwas -

Dear friends,

I saw all documents from last days. It is very good job!

I hope my internet connection will be good enough to speak with you today.

see you



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -


Yesterday we carried out our first workshop. It was a very, very interesting experience with participation of 3 unionists and 2 employer's representatives, all of them linked to one corporation in the industrial sector.

We have 3 more workshops ahead in the next 3 weeks.

We'll keep you posted about our progress!

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

WP6 protocol

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

Attached as promised is a draft of the schedule for work package 6.  We've got a skype meeting scheduled for Thursday when we can discuss. 

Mariano-  Can you add this to the timetable for the Granada meeting? I'd also like to discuss the structure for the online tool and training material.  Although this workpackage isn't until later, it would be good to start a discussion on how we will structure these so we can build content in the second half of the year.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -

Just a quick message to let you know what we have already run 3 of our 4 scheduled workshops. The last one shall take place on 6th April. It is urgent for us to clarify what's the final approach around translation into English of workshops' transcriptions.

All best wishes,

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -
THat's great Mariano. I circulated a draft for the approach to WP6. translated texts are needed for the consolidated report but you could do the country report in native languages. We can talk on Wednesday about the best approach to doing the consolidated analysis (ie whether you'd prefer to give Chris your NVivo file from which he can do the analysis or base the analysis on the country reports and consult with you on quotes to add from your datasets). If we do the former, you'd need to do all of the analysis for the country reports in English whereas it may be easier to do them in Spanish. Matt
In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Draft coding structure

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

I'm looking forward to seeing everyone next week.  In addition to the WP6 protocol i circulated, I'd also like to table the attached draft coding structure for discussion.  It would be great if we could have a chat about the coding structure for the workshops which has enough detail but is not overly prescriptive.

COuld you all let me know if you have access to NVIVO which is the qualitative method software which we will be using?



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Draft coding structure

by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Matt,

I have NVIVO at my computer but I have no experience in using. I have to learn.

See you


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Draft coding structure

by Mariano Sánchez -


It seems that we may not have easy access to NVivo. Support from you in that regard would be great.

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Stephen McNair -

Here is an example of a way of offering learning materials, developed as part of the UK Mid-Life Career Review project (which provided career review sessions to over 2000 people aged 45-60). An intersting model - simple to implement using existing materials. www.xtlearn.net/p/mlcr 

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Draft traning/online tool structure

by Matt Flynn -

Hi-  Here is my proposed structure for the product.  Let me know what you think- if there are any modules which are redundant and or if any are missing



What is active ageing and why is it important to employers?

How can age be better managed in the workplace?

Who to involve in the conversation and how?

What are the barriers you might face and how can you overcome them?

How to support older and younger workers?

What are good practices?




In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Draft traning/online tool structure

by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Matt and colleagues,

I like this structure. One comment to point: "Who to involve in the conversation and how?" Could we add: "How to improve this dialogue?"



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Chris Ball -

I have just had this piece published by Huffington Post.

Sorry to make no direct reference to ASPIRE - but the editors have become very fussy about pieces  which seem to have a "promotional" character. I will be happy to provide an amended version if you feel it is of use.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Action points from Granada

by Matt Flynn -

Rough notes on work going forward



Elearning platform


Guideline for PDF

Cancel meeting

Panel Bergamo

Excel spreadsheet on content of material put into online tool folders

Blog post for May



Excel file on meetings and activities

Nvivo file

Draft email to stakeholder groups

ETUI- Chris

EFWB- Matt

ETUC- Matt via tuc

Business Europe Matt via ENEI



Copa Cogeca- Paolo

EuroElectric- Paolo

Age Platform- Chris

European Partliamentary committee- Matt



Newcastle- extension

Open access


5 minute video

Check with Voice North

Template (Marta to send)

-what activities

-who was invited





Blog post for April (as drafted on small businesses)

Leaflet draft to circulated



Questionnaire for Pilot

Coordination of workpackage 7/8



1st workshop transcription

Meeting on 27 April


WP6 schedule:

All coding 15 May

Country reports 7 June

Consoldated report 21 June

Reflection- 30 june

Feedback forms to Stephen

Contact social partners about whether they want to join Brussels meeting

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

NVivo File

by Matt Flynn -

Attached is the NVivo file with the coding structure we discussed. If you think we need further nodes, please suggest them but it would be good if we could keep our four Nvivo files as close as possible.

Both Newcastle and Hull only have NVivo 11 Pro.  I can send anyone who needs it the software and codes but you'll need me to know which version you need:

NVivo 11 Pro Windows (64-Bit)

NVivo 11 Pro Windows (32-Bit)

NVivo 11 Mac



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Dear all,

here's the link to the moodle page for the e-learning programme:


Mariano is entitled to modify, edit and organize the page as he wishes: he only needs to click on the top right button/link of the page ("modify"). 



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Chris Ball -

Hi All,


This is a link to a toolkit by the Age Action Alliance working group on healthy workplaces. http://ageactionalliance.org/employer-toolkit/


You may want to use it - it is freely available



In reply to Chris Ball


by Chris Ball -

Hi All,

I have prepared a presentation for K Com, the Hull Tele-Communications Company, which is having a managers seminar around change in the workplace. Matt has rather opportunistically taken the opportunity to use this as a Workshop for the project, but the company was keen to have a wider discussion than to simply focus on demographic change/ ageing workforce matters. Hence the presentation covers issues like the implications of new technological changes and other "disrupters" in the world of work. You may find it of interest.



In reply to Chris Ball


by Izabela Warwas -

Dear Aspire team!

I attache blog post prepared by Bogusława. This material is in Polish. During workshops social partners pointed that they need some deeper explanation Active Aging Index.

How things?

In my case - I am waiting for the last transcription and I am in progress with coding. I need few days to finish.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

New doodle poll and national reports

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

I've reset the Doodle poll to have discussions in the afternoon as Mariano and I will both be in the USA in August.  I set the time as 5pm Europe time if that's ok. Could everyone complete the form? https://doodle.com/poll/7mdzfd5n8mhcmngu

Also, I've started mapping out what the four reports have said.  This will help us with the consolidated report by identifying some commonalities and differences.This is a working document, so please add to it with your thoughts.  Going forward, Chris and I will be coming to you to ask for data/quotes/examples to illustrate the points which have been made in the national reports so perhaps we can talk about this on the skype call.


In reply to Matt Flynn

mailing for better dissemination our reports

by Izabela Warwas -
Dear colleagues,
on the meeting in Granada, we discussed dissemination our desk research reports. I prepared e-mail to potentially interested academics and stakeholders. Do you have any comments? Would you like to add something?

Dear Sirs,

We would like to interest you in the Aspire project - Active Ageing through Social Partnership and Industrial Relations in Europe.

The aim of the project is to understand processes through which social partners develop, pilot and implement active ageing interventions and reorient away from a collusion toward early retirement.

At the current stage of the project, academic partners have developed thematic reports. Reports for Italy, Poland, Spain and UK and consolidate report can be found on the project website:


We wish you interesting reading!

Aspire Team




In reply to Izabela Warwas

leaflet for dissemination our reports and project

by Izabela Warwas -

Dear all,

in attached file you can find first version of Aspire leaflet. Check only the content, text. After we agree the content, I will send a leaflet to the graphic (the same one, that the covers of the reports made for us).

Best from tropical Łódź 


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -

WP7 starts


We hope that you all are keeping well. Last week, Matt and Mariano had the opportunity to meet and discuss how to take WP7 to a good start as soon as possible. Hence this email. A new section on WP7 has been created in our Moodle platform including the following documents:

1) WP7_steps & timeline (PDF): it provides a PROPOSAL on how to organise our work to be able to deliver WP7's outputs in due time. Please, read and provide feedback in the way of a reply to this message in case that you would like to suggest any changes regarding steps and/or timeline. Please, pay attention to our suggested first deadline on 3rd SEPTEMBER.

2) Training module_CORE content_v0 (PDF): initial chart with basic information after Mariano & Matt's discussion. Please, read and provide feedback in the way of a reply to this message in case that you would like to suggest any changes in this chart.

3) Training module_CORE content_Must include (PPT): one slide for you to fill in short description of content (ideas, statements, principles, methodological tips, and so on) that you feel our training module MUST DEFINITIVELY INCLUDE according to your accomplished research.

We hope that the suggested process to trigger our work on WP7 is clear. Shouldn't that be the case, please let us know.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -


Hi Mariano and Pilar,

Thanks for this!

I'm OK with your work plan.

Attached is the "must include" ppt with my suggestions.

Best wishes,


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Izabela Warwas -

Dear Mariano and Pilar,

I am happy that we are moving with WP7. Thank you for your contribution.

I attache one slaide.

Regarding the schedule - I have no comments.

Dear partners,

looking at this schedule, it seems necessary to extend our project. About three months?
I am asking about this in the context of our final conference and organizational issue. I have new H2020 project from December 2018.



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone

Mariano- thanks so much for putting this together.  It looks really good and i like the structure.  i have now added my comments in blue to Iza and Paolo's.

By the way, after our car ride meeting, I talked again with Sven. He said that we could have an extension to the end of April 2019.  WOuld this be ok with everyone?  If so, we could finalise the report and tools by the end of 2018 and then use the extension to share the tools/training with stakeholders with a final conference in April in Brussels.



In reply to Matt Flynn


by Izabela Warwas -
Hi Matt and colleagues
the project extension is ok for me. It is important to make the decision as soon as possible in order to reallocate work days and other formal issues.
A final conference in April in Brussels looks very well. it is probably better to organize it at the beginning of the April to calmly settle delegations of people from the project and stakeholders.
Maybe we'll come back to our regular meetings on Skype!?
Have a good day
In reply to Matt Flynn


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hi everyone,

I'm OK with an extension of the project to the end of April 2019.



In reply to Matt Flynn


by Mariano Sánchez -


Now that I am back again into the system (I had lost my capacity to get your messages through Moodle) I would like to thank you for your prompt and timely reply regarding the first WP7 deadline. You'll hear from us back un due time. As per the suggested extension, we are in accord too.



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


Difficulties to access our Moodle platform (already solved) have prevented us from meeting the Sept 5th deadline. However, we are making progress to be able to circulate tomorrow both a DRAFT CONTENT STRUCTURE for the learning module and a WHO-DOES-WHAT PLAN distributing tasks to be carried out. Please, accept our apologies for what it'll be a few days delay. Thanks!

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Mariano Sánchez -


We have been working the whole weekend to prepare the couple of slides attached. We hope that you feel that we are making progress. We do. We have reviewed all national reports and tried to work out detailed content for our learning module.

What's next now? Well, we are hoping that you read the slides and make comments (please, use same font colour that you did last time) right there. One key thing is for us all trying to select 8 main barriers and facilitators, and 8 good practices. To this regard, please cross out (like this) those barriers, facilitators and good practices listed that you deem to be dispensable. Likewise, add those that you miss in the list.

Feel free to make any comment and/or add new content as you see appropriate. However, try to keep your wording as concise as possible. Thanks.

If you could get back to us by this coming Wednesday (12th Sep.) we commit to circulate the detailed outline by 13th September.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Chris Ball -


I have not yet had the chance to compare notes with Matt but for myself, this seems like a strong plan. 

Best regards



In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi, all,

This is a gentle and friendly reminder. Please, read our message on 9th September and get back to us with feedback, comments and changes as soon as possible. We'll do our best to react promptly. Thanks.

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Intro video

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

I had my first go at an intro video.  This was a first try so no doubt it's going to find itself on the blooper reel but gives an idea of it.  It would probably be better as an audio voice over with animation.

Here it is:




In reply to Matt Flynn

Comments on Active Ageing online outline

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano and Pilar

THanks so much for the outline.  It looks really good.  I agree with the structure and the division of labour looks reasonable.  I've made some suggestions in terms of how the content is organised but otherwise really happy to go forward in putting this together.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Comments on Active Ageing online outline

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your comments. We'll modify the draft accordingly.


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Intro video

by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Matt,

thanks for this. it's good to listen your speech. You have a radio voice.

Interior of the room could be more attractive, or you can as you suggest, to apply animation.
Do you have a written intro? We could in the meantime translate them (national versions).



In reply to Izabela Warwas

Re: Intro video

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Iza-

Yes, this video was only my first try.  The sound quality was not good either and I could improve on the delivery.  I'm attaching the script which you all can use.  I'm happy for suggestions for possible edits



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Intro video

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

Good try! However, I think that as a rule of thumb our video clips should not last more than a couple of minutes each unless we are able to make them watcher friendlier.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

UK Videos

by Matt Flynn -

Hi all

I am attaching a spreadsheet which shows the video clip interviews which we could contribute to the online tool.  Chris may have a few ideas on additional clips (he had mentioned to me talking with older workers themselves for example) Let me know what you think

In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: UK Videos

by Chris Ball -

Matt I have inserted the following comment in a new version of the spread sheet 


As we will be running our seminar at Sheffield on 24th October, a video of Alan Walker would be a possible thing to include. I would agree we should include some of the workers. In particular our building and construction workers were impressive and very well informed so I would suggest one or more of them. There could be others - I think short videos of workers giving their point of view and if possible some positive suggestions would add enormously

We have a rather long video from Clare Ball (no relation) HR Director of Age UK which could be edited - see this link https://1drv.ms/v/s!AmpJy0A10TXch50-s-SyYw632-SFKg As Age UK is the biggest age charity in the UK the policies they have introduced for their own staff are of interest - there are several shown in the interview

We also have an interview with Bernadette Olusola HR manager in an oil and gas industry exploration / engineering consultancy in London, which I thought was very interesting - see this link https://1drv.ms/f/s!AmpJy0A10TXch6Zjj4F_5pS2KA2Bfg She talks about a couple of innovations including inter gen mentoring and on the job "lunch and learn" sessions

A guy from South Yorkshire Housing Association, Nial O'Reilly, will be commenting in our Sheffield seminar on a Big Lottery / ESF project to support older workers back into the workforce by placing employment and well being coaches at various venues across the South Yorkshire Region. Given the connection with the European Social Fund and the fact that this covers a different angle on restoring employability to people who have been out of work for some time, it could also be a useful one to include. We would need to bring our camera to this event


In reply to Chris Ball

Re: UK Videos

by Matt Flynn -

Sounds great! Taking the GoPro to the Sheffield event is a great idea.  We could do a couple of interviews with smart people there!

In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: UK Videos

by Chris Ball -

We can have a good look at the attendees list in  week or so time. Each of the speakers would make good video studies I should think, but Alan would be far and away the star attraction. 

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Paolo Tomassetti -


Dear all,

On Monday I'll have a coordination meeting with ADAPT's colleagues to discuss how to implement WP7 and the training module.

Are we expected to record the following videos now?

1 video clip per country, in home language, presenting the training module
1 video clip with testimonials by social partners (2 per country) recommending the module
1 video clip per country with testimonials of social partners on the meaning of AA
Shall we also do something with regard to the other issues listed in the training module ppt?
Most importantly, what language are we expected to use to record videos and draft documents (English or Italian)?
Thank you very much and have a great weekend.
In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Paolo,

After Matt's comments it seems that our per-country videos for the WELCOME unit will be as follows:

- 1 video clip per country, in home language, presenting the training module (we think that we should cut down to a couple of minutes the current length of Matt's script of this video).

- 1 video clip with testimonials by social partners (2 per country) recommending the module (to be shooted once we have been able to prepare all draft content for the Moodle and social partners have been able to go through it).

- 1 video clip per country with testimonials of social partners on the meaning of AA (their answer to the question "What does active ageing mean to you?"). Let's try to have at least a couple of partners participating.

Regarding the language for the videos we believe that every partner should do it in own native tongue. We may consider including subtitles afterwards.

Yes, we all will have to draft documents according to the templates that we are preparing in Granada. You'll hear from us soon to the latter regard.



In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: (IV) IMPLEMENTATION WP7: Detailed content

by Chris Ball -

Hi Paolo and colleagues,

Just to provide a link to a blog I wrote which was published on the British Society for Gerontology blog site, it covers issues around demographic change and healthy ageing and questions some of the received wisdom around this subject


Best wishes,





In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


Dear partners,

I must apologize. The past few weeks have been a whole struggle for personal reasons linked to family health issues. We have been trying to make progress but it has been impossible. We are well aware that this delay may cause problems to the whole project schedule but we could not do any better. Our hope is that we are able now to resume our daily work in good conditions. Again, please accept my sincere apologies.

After conversation with Matt we have been able to prepare the FINAL DRAFT for content of our training module. Find it attached. Content highlighted in yellow intends to be the one we are going to prepare. However, we have left some of the original proposals (not yellow highlighted) in case that in the next weeks we need to turn back to any of them.

Please, pay attention in each case to the expected timing (meaning, time that we allocate to each specific resource from a user's perspective) and to the partner responsible to draft each specific content. Matt will take care to hire someone to make the final layout of each piece of content so that it is friendly enough to be uploaded to the platform. Therefore, all we need to do is writing all content pieces and shooting all video clips listed in the FINAL DRAFT. Comments and suggestions are welcome any time.

Matt, Pilar and I have prepared 2 samples of content's items (attached). Matt has drafted one piece on older workers' outdated skills and resistance to training and the Granada team has covered another barrier: existence of a strong installed culture favoring early retirement. After Matt's suggestions, you'll see that both pieces combine not only a description of the barrier but a discussion on possible solutions. Therefore, let's try to follow this approach: in each 'barrier' piece we'll include a section on potential solutions and a few questions for reflections at the very end. We have kept word length in the range of 1,000 per piece. We hope that these two samples are helpful in the process of drafting similar pieces.

We are not expecting inclusion of sources nor references. The tone of the pieces should not be academic but informative for social partners. Try to keep your content pieces as condensed, short, and user-friendly as possible.

Due to our delay in producing the final draft we must now push forward us well our initial deadlines. Would it be acceptable and realistic for us all using a time frame of 4 weeks to produce a first version of each one's pieces? Such a new deadline would mean that we should have produced English versions of our respective contents by 29th November. How do you see it? If this new deadline works, we could implement some testing of the training materials in December.

We'd like you to peruse all three attached documents and let us know whether you feel that the suggested work ahead is doable.

Once more, sorry for this belated reaction.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Izabela Warwas -

Dear Mariano,

I went through the materials. 

First of all, the final structure of our module looks good. It is better option to limit the number of individual issues (pieces) and develop them better. We can always return to the previous plan. Points are always in the structure.
Secondly, examples of pieces are a guideline how to develop further materials. An interesting idea to present barriers together with the possibility of defeating them. Questions at the end - also a good idea. I will be work on assigned topics for me according to this scheme.
In the pool of resources section, I have "Training materials for older workers". Did you mean materials that could be used for training older people (by trainers, by HR employees) or rather materials for independent use (self-material)?
Deadlines are workable for me.

Such a general observation. We have a lot of video content in the plan. This will certainly increase the attractiveness of the module but it can also be very difficult to properly assemble / merge. We must reserve some time for this.

One more suggestion. We extend our project. Maybe it is worth considering a working meeting as our module will be created in 90%. Its purpose would be to go through materials, supplement or correct them. I know that everyone is busy. It's just an idea.

Best Regards


In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hello Izabela,

Thanks for your feedback. I do agree, it'll be always better to produce less but mode developed content than the contrary. My understanding of "training materials for older workers" as an item with our "Pool of resources" section would providing module's users with already-made materials for independent use (self-directed learning). That said, it'd not hurt to include something in the line of materials to be used by trainers. In the case of this piece of resource for our pool I envision one page in which you are able to list a few resources and provide links to access them.

Don't know whether Matt or anyone else in the group may have a different approach to your query.

Regarding videos, my recommendation would be to keep them SHORT. You are right, shooting videos may be time-consuming. However, it'll give our module a more lively and user-friendly tone.

A working meeting to catch up on progress? I think it is a good idea. Let's see what others think. I'd be happy to coordinate the meeting.

Have a nice day!


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

intro video

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano and Iza

I think what we do is we have a short digestable piece on the online platform with backup material for people who want to read more.  For example, we should have a short piece on sharing good practice with SMEs which could have five tips for social partners in engaging with small businesses on improving their age management policies.  THis could be backed up with an interview i can do with the NOrthern TUC on their work with Newcastle.  But for people who want more granular information, we put a link to the guide Iza produced for the STAY project and my good practice guide.

Could I ask a favour from everyone? Could you have a look at the attached text for the introduction video and make any changes you think are appropriate?  I can make this into an animated video with a voice over narration.  However, I need to get the text right as the first step.


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: intro video

by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Matt and colleagues,

I like this intro content. In attached file I put some very small comments.

Thats good idea to have tips and additional materials. Matt, remember that in Stay project we have the vast majority materials in PL.

An animated video - great.

I will plan to try with my Polish introduction video next week.

We have in Poland long weekend (1st of November is a national holiday, like probably in Spain and Italy)



In reply to Izabela Warwas

Re: intro video

by Chris Ball -

Hi Everyone,


I don't know whether this is of any use but I did a podcast this week for a new podcast / webinar website on ageing issues called "The Big Middle" I was invited to talk generally about age management and mentioned the ASPIRE project and the work we are doing together. Please use it if you think it is of interest.




Best wishes,



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -



We have uploaded all materials (only texts) that we have received so far to populate our online training module. You have all of them available in different folders in the section devoted to the online module in our Moodle. You may peruse these pieces to gauge whether they seem to fit in our envisaged module.

Furthermore, we have put together a follow-up table (attached) for us all to populate in terms of the delivery of materials for the online module. We have used GREEN cells for materials that we have already received, YELLOW cells for pieces that we know are in the making, and RED cells for pieces which have been either cancelled or replaced.

Please, check the follow-up table and let us WITHIN THIS WEEK know whether you miss anything. We'd like to be reported how you all are doing in terms of finalizing your pieces. According to Matt's Gant chart the online tool should be ready for testing by social partners on 4th March. Therefore, we have one month to do everything needed.

Videos from Granada we'll be ready next week most probably.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hi Mariano and Pilar,

Thank you for this table.

Could you please confirm that ADAPT has to record a short video in Italian for each of the written documents we produced, introducing and summarizing the related contents?

As for the creation of an "Expert roster indicating who has what type of specific experience in the implementation of AA at the workplace", unfortunately we'll not be able to produce it.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Paolo,

So far we have not discussed yet whether each written piece should be accompanied by a video. We hope that it is something we can discuss along our next follow-up call (by the way, can Matt confirm the date for the call? We filled out the Doodle and it seemed that the first available date was 5th February but personally I don't recall getting any confirmation message on the date).

We have taken advantage of your query to produce a table (see attached) summarizing all the information that we have about video clips in the online module. Please, feel free to make comments.

In the meantime, we invite all partners to read every piece for the online module that we uploaded yesterday. It'd be great if we could discuss about these pieces in our next follow-up call.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

I do apologise. You're right. I did ask about people's availability.  If you all are free on the 5th at 7am UK time/8am EU time, can we speak then.

By the way, I have now got confirmation that the Brussels room is available on 9 April for a 10-3 meeting.  Could we put it in our diaries?

THanks so much for the progress chart.  Chris and I will have our material ready for it.



In reply to Matt Flynn


by Mariano Sánchez -

In my case, I can do the 5th at 8am EU time.

Thanks for confirming the date for the conference in Brussels.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -

The 5th of February at 8am EU time is fine with me.

OK also for the final conference in Brussels.



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


Iza has sent along a couple of new pieces for UNIT 4 and UNIT 6 of our learning module. I have uploaded them to the platform as well as the most update follow-up table.

Regarding Iza's piece for UNIT 6 (Checklist on health and safety for older workers) I wonder whether the triple checklist has been specifically drafted with older workers in mind. I am not sure about it. Iza, could you clarify, please?

As a reminder, I invite you all to read some/all uploaded draft pieces and make your best to provide comments towards their improvement. Thank you!


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


Regarding our UNIT 6 (Pool of resources) we have identified several websites which include resources of interest. We are checking on them to retrieve those resources which might be more in line with the focus of our module.

Find below the actual list of websites whose content we are skimming. Please, suggest new links with potential tools of interest as you see appropriate. Thanks!

Mariano & Pilar


NHS Working Longer Group



Workplace Innovation Europe



Healthy Workplaces for All Ages 2016-17



Work ability questionnaire (short version):



Ageing at work. HR Health Management for Older Workers



European Network ‘Career & AGE’



Tripartite Alliance for Fair & Progressive Employment Practices






In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Matt Flynn -
In reply to Matt Flynn

Gantt chart

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone- Here is the Gantt chart. Please let me know amendments you would like and I'll send a revised chart by the end of the year

In reply to Matt Flynn

Online content

by Matt Flynn -

Hi- here is my list of the material for ASPIRE online toolkit.  It is based on Mariano's powerpoint.  It is very flexible and the content suggestions (especially on problems and solutions) are flexible.  I'll amend this based on what Paolo is sending through as it sounds like there is some great content which he has put together which we can add in. Therefore, treat this as a starting point. I'll amend as more material comes through

The new website should be up in the next day and i'll send you the link.  If you could send your content to Mariano and me we can build it up.  I'll put the video content onto a bespoke Youtube page.  If you have Onedrive, I have set up a folder where you can drop the videos in. I can then get access and upload it onto Youtube. Click here to get access:




In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online content

by Chris Ball -



I see that no-one has put any material in your folders. Also do we have the new website now that you referred to above, if so where is it/



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Final Conference

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.  I had suggested the week of the 15th in order to accommodate Philippe who isn't available on the week of the 15th.  We could still do w/c 15 (perhaps 16 or 17) which seems to be ok with all of us and Chris can talk with Philippe about alternative speakers from Age platform.


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Final Conference

by Mariano Sánchez -


The w/c 15 is not good for us in Spain. Pilar is not able to travel that week. I could make it but the big issue is that since it is Easter it'll be very complicated getting our social partners to join me. Please, I really ask you to skip Easter's week.

I'd suggest to use Doodle in order to get to a final date that it is acceptable for everybody. 



In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Final Conference

by Matt Flynn -

No problem. Here it is


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Final Conference

by Izabela Warwas -

Hi Matt and colleagues,

yesterday with Bogusława we recorded films for our module. We have an observation - short sentences works better!

Our studio will prepare material to the end of the week.

Finally we have three films: 1) info about aging; 2) introduction to the course 3) info about AAI and active aging.



In reply to Izabela Warwas

Re: Final Conference

by Izabela Warwas -

Dear colleagues,

from our doodle looks like the best option for the final conference in Brussels is 9th April. Is it correct? We have to decide about the date, because we have to arrange everything. In Brussels is not so easy. I will bring few persons not working at the university, so procedures are longer. 

In attached file you can see very very draft our conference leaflet. I offer to do final version in good looking layout.

The last question is about Skype. 

Matt do you plan joint Skype soon?

Best regards


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -



As committed, find attached a DRAFT form that we have prepared to be used along the piloting sessions of content for our training module. Remember that each partner must do the pilot at least with 2 social partners.

The form has been outlined as a complementary tool to be completed through raising verbal feedback.

Please, make comments in the next week so that we are able to get to an agreed version of the form.

By the way, the draft form has been uploaded to our Moodle platform as well as the updated version of our table to follow-up submission of pieces for the training module.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Izabela Warwas -

Thank you Mariano,

I have  a few proposals for small changes.



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Mariano Sánchez -


I have read your suggestions for change in the 'Evaluation of the pilot training module' file. Thank you! This is my reaction:

1) I think that explanations for answers provided to the form should be part of a conversation with social partners, not a written exercise as you suggest to include in the case of "None". Furthermore, we believe that social partners should make comments about any relevant reply feedback provided in the form whether it is under the "None" option or under any other one.

2) To what extent are we arguing that "active ageing" and "age management" are the same thing so that we may change the wording of the item "May make you able to implement an active ageing intervention at your workplace"? I'd suggest that those of us who feel that "age management" may work better for their pilots change the current version. However, I'd not work in our case.

Any further comment on your side?


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -


Hi Mariano and Pilar,

Thank you - I'm fine with your proposal.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -
In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Online module

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

I've added a few modules for the online tool.  I'm sorry for the delay, but i have a few more Chris and I are going to add which coincide with video interviews we have.  THe ones we want to add are on:

-The menopause (we have a colleague who has developed a good practice guide for employers)

-Risk assessing HRM policies on ageing (with a video interview with Jurgen Deller)

-Social dialogue in the community (with a video interview with Humber Local Enterprise partnership)

-Active ageing and social inclusion (with an interview with Tom Scharf)


THe ones we've added are:

Lifelong learning (with interview with Unionlearn coordinator Jane Warwich)

Pensions and financial literacy (with UCU pension officer Chris Haswell)

Retirement planning (with Sarah Vickerstaff)

Mid-life career transitions (with Kerry Hammond interview)

I also added a bit to Paolo's text on retired member groups.  I hope it's ok

Again, I'm very sorry for the delay. 


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -

Thank you, Matt. I'll read everything and provide feedback.

Best wishes,


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -


I have now read and uploaded all content sent by Matt. A few comments follow:

- I have been able to read the following pieces by Matt: "Planning retirement" (UNIT 3), "Flexible working in later careers" (UNIT 3), and "Mid career transitions" (UNIT 4). However, I have not been able to find Matt's announced pieces on "Lifelong learning" and "Pensions and financial literacy". Actually, except for the piece on  "Mid career transitions" I have not been able either to identity how these new pieces fit in our draft table of contents. Are they new content to be added to the table? Are they to replace some UK pieces already in the table? All of this, I must admit, it is a little bit confusing since most of the new pieces announced by Matt are not included in our current table, and some pieces that we were expecting from the UK (according to the table) are not mentioned (for instance, "AA vs Age Management: Comparative checklist"). Matt, will you clarify all of this for us, please? Thank you.

- I don't quite see where it is the added piece by Matt to Paolo's text as per Matt's comment: "I also added a bit to Paolo's text on retired member groups.  I hope it's ok".

- Overall, regarding all uploaded pieces, I miss more practical down-to-earth examples in the way of cases showing "how it was actually done" by someone somewhere. If some cases will be presented in the videos we'll have to face the language barrier. Any thoughts?

- I presume that we'll need some visual resources (photos, drawings, etc.) to make our content easier to digest. I have created a new folder in which we may throw any visual material that we have handy to be used by whoever works on the final layout of the online module. If you upload anything, please make sure to identify the resource (author, photo blurb, etc.) and to have permission for its use.

- I have uploaded the most up-to-date version of our content's follow-up table.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -


Hello everybody,

Since we have not received any further comments on the draft materials already uploaded, we are presuming that the pieces that we have at the moment shall be the ones to be used in our pilots.

We have put together all pieces into one file so that it is easier for you to manage all content to be translated (in the cae of IT, PL, and ES) and piloted (ALL PARTNERS).

Remember, each partner must pilot these education and training materials with at least two social partners (if possible try to involve one employer and one union). The main purpose of this series of pilots will be "to identify areas for improvement in content, style, language, or illustrations (case studies) and visuals".

You are all invited to use the "Evaluation of the pilot training material" form already available through our Moodle platform.

DEADLINE FOR REPORTING BACK FROM PILOTS: Given that our online module must be presented on 8th April during our final conference, we would suggest to set 29 March as the latest day to report back from your pilots. If you could send along a brief summary of main feedback raised in your pilots we would try to condense all recommendations into once piece to be presented in Brussels.

All best wishes from Granada,

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online module

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano

Do you want me to put this all online so people can see it laid out?  I can devote the next five days to doing this so we can circulate a link on Monday

In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

What I'd really would like is to hear from you about my queries on 20 February, please. See below:

Re: Online module
by Mariano Sánchez - Wednesday, 20 February 2019, 1:17 PM


I have now read and uploaded all content sent by Matt. A few comments follow:

- I have been able to read the following pieces by Matt: "Planning retirement" (UNIT 3), "Flexible working in later careers" (UNIT 3), and "Mid career transitions" (UNIT 4). However, I have not been able to find Matt's announced pieces on "Lifelong learning" and "Pensions and financial literacy". Actually, except for the piece on  "Mid career transitions" I have not been able either to identity how these new pieces fit in our draft table of contents. Are they new content to be added to the table? Are they to replace some UK pieces already in the table? All of this, I must admit, it is a little bit confusing since most of the new pieces announced by Matt are not included in our current table, and some pieces that we were expecting from the UK (according to the table) are not mentioned (for instance, "AA vs Age Management: Comparative checklist"). Matt, will you clarify all of this for us, please? Thank you.

- I don't quite see where it is the added piece by Matt to Paolo's text as per Matt's comment: "I also added a bit to Paolo's text on retired member groups.  I hope it's ok".

- Overall, regarding all uploaded pieces, I miss more practical down-to-earth examples in the way of cases showing "how it was actually done" by someone somewhere. If some cases will be presented in the videos we'll have to face the language barrier. Any thoughts?

- I presume that we'll need some visual resources (photos, drawings, etc.) to make our content easier to digest. I have created a new folder in which we may throw any visual material that we have handy to be used by whoever works on the final layout of the online module. If you upload anything, please make sure to identify the resource (author, photo blurb, etc.) and to have permission for its use.

- I have uploaded the most up-to-date version of our content's follow-up table.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online module

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

These were the ones that were added.  I may have had trouble uploading. I'll have a check of the table.  If there are other items, I'll add them in by Friday. These are covering the basic HRM practices in relation to age management.  I have a check tomorrow and get straight back to you.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -

Thank you, Matt.

I have updated the one file with all content to be piloted accordingly.

Given that all new pieces in English for the online module will have to be translated into our different languages I'd say that we must set a final deadline to submit any piece. This coming Friday might be that day. We need a few weeks to translate everything and have it ready for the pilots. Once the pilots have been run we might want to amend current pieces and/or add new ones.

Any further feedback?


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -


After Iza's submission of some comments, edits and suggestions affecting 12 different sections within draft for the pilots we have made some amendments to the one file to be translated and used in our pilots. This new and final to-be-piloted content can be find here. All files from Iza have been uploaded into a new folder.

Those of us who need to translate from English to our national languages prior to run our pilots, let's do it now.

Thanks very much to Iza for the time she has taken to peruse our preliminary content.


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online module

by Mariano Sánchez -

Yes, Matt, the sooner you start the process to populate the actual learning platform with these materials the better. I guess that it would be useful to see how the layout looks like.

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -



We have finished the piloting of the draft training module with two of our social partners. Find attached the evaluation form with details on the feedback raised (we have used GREEN colour for areas/questions which seems to be fine with no further need of improvement. YELLOWED rows have been used when some/little improvement is required).

Overall, feedback about the first section in the form ("To what extent do you think that the training materials...") is pretty positive. We feel that according to this feedback we have reached our goal. Our social partners understand that the training module will be a useful tool for them to promote both dialogue and action around active ageing.

Regarding the second section in the form ("...in which areas there is a need for improvement?") we believe that the pilot's output has been positive too. The sections that we have recommended to improve are UNIT 1 (who is the training for?), UNIT 2 (how active ageing is related to social dialogue?), UNIT 3 (facilitators for active ageing), UNIT 4 (examples of good practice) and our POOL OF RESOURCES. That said, and generally speaking, no critical need of improvement has been identified.

Please, whenever possible let us know about your own pilots. Thanks!

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -



We are stuck in the process to get ready for our final conference in Brussels. There are two questions that we do need some feedback about:

1) What's the address for the conference's venue? Is there any convenient accommodation nearby that you are able to recommend?

2) We have interest from 2 of our social partners to join us. However, none of them speak English. How will we approach this language barrier? We don't mind to get involved in the overcoming of this barrier (for instance, providing some sort of whispered translation at the back of the room) but whatever the way we approach this issue it'll have an impact on the conference's flow and timeline (unless we could have simultaneous translation English-Spanish). Please, we need some comments about this question.

Can anyone help?

Many thanks!




In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

Here is the address: Rue du Trône 4, 1000 Bruxelles, Belgium (https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Rue+du+Tr%C3%B4ne+4,+1000+Bruxelles,+Belgium/@50.840681,4.3676368,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47c3c4845694cbdf:0x7c737779424389f!8m2!3d50.8400238!4d4.3664191) 

I'll ask about translation service and Newcastle whether they'll fund it and get back to you asap.  Thanks so much for offering to help if necessary.  You're right that it would be preferable, so i'll check it.

Chris and I will get the consolidated report to you all by the end of the week.  We'll have it in 3 parts: 1) an exec summary; 2) a somewhat longer narrative answering the research questions and 3) the data presented in longer form.  I'm also working on the formatting of the web platform of the online tool which i'll get to you soon.




In reply to Matt Flynn


by Izabela Warwas -

Dear colleagues and Matt,

I have a few questions:
- regarding the conference. Currently, at the moment I have 4 people as conference participants. We arrive on Monday directly from Lodz:
me, Piotr Szukalski (my co-investigator), Bogusława Urbaniak (part of the team) and Krzysztof Borkowski - from Bussiness Center Club (employer organization). Do I still have to invite someone from trade unions?
Now I am looking for a hotel for us. Do you have any hints?
- regarding the materials for the module: am I to do a pilot now? or wait for translations? I do not have any funds for translations in my budget?

Thank you in advance



In reply to Izabela Warwas


by Mariano Sánchez -


In our official 'detail work programme' it is said as follows when describing activities in WP7: "Pilot education and training materials developed, edited, translated and ready for use with employers and social partners". Therefore, my understanding is that pilot materials should be translated. However, and as I shared with Paolo, I don't see any reason why in case that your two social partners involved in the testing are able to read English you cannot proceed with the pilot without translation. Matt may have a different point of view but you have mine.

To me, the real question behind the language for the final online module is this: How effective will be our module if we just produce it in English? It has always been my understanding that the final module should be in Spanish (in our particular case) given the lack of language skills among our population. In the case of Spain, a module just in English would remain fully unknown to social partners. That said, I do understand that we'd need funds for translating the module and I don't think that these funds were included in the initial budget, do you?

Probably we should have a little exchange of our views on the issue of the availability of the final online module on one or multiple languages.

Best wishes,


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Izabela Warwas -

Hi everyone,


Mariano, thank you for your comments. Looking at the schedule (we are one month before the final conference) and on the budget, I will find two social partners with English skills. They will do the piloting of the module. After the piloting of all project partners - in Poland, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom, we will correct the materials so that the English version can be completed. This is a priority.

Regarding the final version of our module, I agree that we should discuss language options.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Consolidated reports

by Matt Flynn -

Greetings everyone-

I'm attaching two reports which you can circulate to your social partners.  These are:

a) A report of the main findings of the research

b) An executive summary

We have a much longer presentation of evidence which Chris is just polishing up and will circulate tomorrow.  This document has the quotes and data.  All three documents will be put onto the website and I'll put into the Workshop Findings report hyperlinks to the evidence report. Please suggest any changes to these reports. One thing that isn't quite clear is the names of workshop organisations so please do correct.

Also, in order to ensure that i have the most up to date versions of the country reports, could you resend them to me in word format.


Many thanks



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Consolidated reports

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

On page 8 in the workshop findings the document, table 2 does not include Spanish stakeholder interviews. I have amended the table so that it is complete.

Find attached the new PDF document that I'd ask you to upload to the online platform. Thanks!


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

Evidence report

by Matt Flynn -

Greetings everyone-

Attached is the evidence report from Chris which is the longer report to be read alongside the Summary and Findings reports. As with the earlier reports, if you have any amendments please let us know. THere may be changes needed especially on the details of the workshops and interviews.  Could everyone also send me the latest copy of your national workshop reports to ensure i put up on the website the right version.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Evidence report

by Mariano Sánchez -


We'll peruse the evidence report asap. Thanks to you and Chris for the effort to produce it. 

Find attached the requested national workshop report.


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -


Since the pilots involved in WP7 are on their way and the final conference is around the corner, it is time to pay attention to our final work package: WP8.

This final package is aimed at (1) producing the final education and training materials (once our pilots have been carried out), (2) implementing these materials through roadshows, (3) and evaluating the materials' effectiveness.

Let's remind ourselves some of what our application says about WP8:

- In WP8 implementation (C2) (M21-24) education and training materials are refined, finalised and implemented by each partner with both employers and social partners.

- Upon developing the workplace tools, we will conduct three roadshow events per country (12 total) to promote them as well as discuss the research outcomes with social partners across each country. Through these roadshows, we will work with local social partners in embedding good practice in relation to active ageing in workplaces around the four countries.

- All participants in roadshows will be surveyed through written feedback forms in their native languages. Feedback forms will be translated by the partners and sent to Prof McNair in order to evaluate the impact of project on workplace level negotiations on ageing.

As we are expected to lead this WP, we would like to share some preliminary thoughts on how to implement it.

1) Once the online platform has been finalized in the UK and we have got and shared feedback from all partners, we'll proceed to revise our draft training materials so that they can be shaped into a final version. In the case of those countries (as it happens with Spain) that have already translated into their national languages all training materials we'd suggest that this final revision and improvement is made directly in their languages (instead of having to suggest changes in English and then translate them into national languages).

2) Each partner will conduct 3 roadshows to present and evaluate final training materials. In our context we may consider a roadshow any meeting attended by local employers, unions, and other stakeholders with the purpose of presenting and discussing both our research outcomes and training materials. We'll take photos of each roadshow for the record and final report. A list of roadshows' attendees would be prepared by each partner too. 

3) We (the team in Spain) will draft an evaluation form to collect written feedback from participants in roadshows. All this information will be sent to Stephen for him to be able to evaluate the impact of the project.

4) We understand that all of the above should be carried out before the end of April 2019.

Please, react to this email from today until 5th April.

All best wishes,

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -


Hi Mariano and Pilar,

I agree with your plan on WP8.

I take this opportunity to attach the Italian translation of the training module materials.

I will share the results of the Italian piloting in the next few days.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -


Thank you very, very much!

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Online platform

by Matt Flynn -

Hello everyone

I apologise for the delay, but I now have the online training module which you can have a look at. I apologise as it took much longer and was more difficult than anticipated.  I have also put all of the reports on as well.  Here is the overall link with two links to the reports and the training module:



A couple of points:
- I have had to move some of the text because I could only build hierarchies of 2 levels.  All of the content is there except the two questionnaires at the end.  I just want to check if we can use them or need permission. 

- THere are places where we can put in publications (both our own and those of social partners). I have put a few of CROW's in there where they fit with sections but if you want me to add material you have already produced as referenced material, i'd be happy to add them in.

-I havent added videos in.  If you have videos and want them included you can send them to me using https://www.mailbigfile.com/. I'll put them in Youtube and add them to the relevant page. Just also send a note of who the speaker is and which page it should be on

-For the translated pages, i'll produce a clone and cut and paste your text to replace the english text.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online platform

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt

Thanks for your effort to have the online training module fully ready. I think that it is an interesting resource. A few initial comments after a quick review of the platform:

1) Are the two missing questionnaires the 'Scan of barriers for intergenerational learning within the teams of your organization' and the 'Work Intergenerational Atmosphere Scale'? If so, I believe that we can refer to them as far as we cite the original sources.

2) Introducing some of the videos that we have prepared will embellish the package and will make learning friendlier. We'll send you them.

3) Regarding versions in different languages I'd ask you to proceed quickly with the cloning of the current English version since we'll need the national versions to carry out roadshows. My question is, would it be possible for us to access the cloned site and upload our own resources? Are you planning instead us to email you all documents for you to take care to upload them?

Now that I am online let me tell you that along the final conference I'll take care to translate from English into Spanish so that our social partners can follow. I'd ask you to organize the agenda so that consecutive translation is possible at the room. This will take some time because of pauses to translate but it will make our social partners to feel comfortable and very well treated.

All best wishes,


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online platform

by Matt Flynn -

THanks Mariano.  I think it would probably be better for me for you to send me the material in Spanish and I can put it in as the Wordpress web builder I am using is a bit tricky. I had to make the code for the arrows below.  If you send it straight over I'll do straight away.  I'll start with Paolo's today.  I'll add the questionnaires as well. If you're familiar with Wordpress, I'd be happy to give you a username so you could do it yourself, but if not, I can do.

Thanks so much for the interpreting.  I'm sorry we couldn't bring in interpreters but if you could do interpret for your group.  I think Iza mentioned bringing in a student for the Polish delegation, that would be terrific.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online platform

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

This is what I suggest. If your clone your website into an Spanish section and you are able to provide me with a username to access that section I think that I'll be able to manage. I have designed from scratch Wordpress websites. Should I see that it is to tricky for me, I'll let you know.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online platform

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-

That's great.  I've set up the training module for each language by adding the suffix -es, -it and -pl to the cloned websites.  So, to get to the Spanish module, you can start out with https://www.agediversity.org/course_category/socialpartners-es/.

I've set up usernames for everyone being your first name.  Password for everyone is Aspire101!?!?!.

Log in is here: https://www.agediversity.org/wp-login.php?loggedout=true&itsec-hb-token=agdivpanel.

Please note, the arrows at the bottom of the page will need to be revised so that they guide to the right pages.  I put the arrows together using hyperlinks, so you'd just need to change the hyperlink to add -es to the end of the redirect.

Also, there were two extra modules which Chris wrote (on the Menopause and Jobseekers) which were added to the English version. You can skip these if you would rather not have the extra translations

I'll input Paolo's translated material to the Italian one unless Paolo you'd rather do it.



In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online platform

by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt,

We are in the midst of translating the extra pieces that you have uploaded to the English platform. Our hope is that the next week the Spanish platform is ready. We have already scheduled roadshows on the 24th and 25th April. We are now trying to organise a third roadshow.

We have a couple of questions about the current online platform:

1) Would it be possible to introduce some type of side menu which may make much easier to navigate the module? At present the only way to visit a new section once you are reading content at another one seems to be going backwards until reaching the initial home page and clicking on the new section you would like to read. This way to navigate takes a lot of time.

2) We were hoping that the community of practice was to give access to a Forum where the possibility to send and read messages was to be available. Our understanding is that at this moment we have in place just a questionnaire supposedly allowing people to become members of such community but we cannot see how community members will be able to communicate among them unless some communication tool is provided.

Thanks for your feedback.

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Mariano Sánchez

Re: Online platform

by Matt Flynn -

Hi Pilar and Mariano-

On 1, I'm not sure if we can make a side menu.  There will be an entry on the top menu for the online module, so people will be able to go back to the landing page if they wish.  On 2, at the bottom of each module page, there is a facebook comment section where people can give comments, post questions or give advice.


In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Online platform

by Mariano Sánchez -

If visitors are able to get back to the module's home page the navigation will be friendlier. Thanks! Please set up different top menus for each language.

In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Paolo Tomassetti -


Dear all,

please find attached the results of the Italian piloting of the training module that we made with two trade unions' representatives and and two HR managers.

Here're the text comments:

Overall, the training module looks well organised, interesting and somehow useful. We believe it covers most of the challenges and opportunities linked to an ageing workforce. Concept are clearly explained although practical examples are not always powerful. As trade unionists, however, we believe it would be very hard to engage employers in an effort to implement active ageing measures, especially in collective bargaining. In this respect, more examples on best practices and how they benefitted also the business would be of great utility.

First of all, we should consider that companies are not social partners and we are not obliged to engage with trade unions to deal with problems we face at the workplace. Sometimes it seems that the training module confuses social partners with other actors of HRM and firm-level industrial relations. Once we have clarified this, we could say that the training module is well balanced in terms of the interests that companies and workers have towards ageing issues. Overall we agree with the contents of the training module and especially we believe this could help in promoting a participatory approach to manage age problems at workplace.

Hope this can help.

We planned the roadshows for next week and the other.




In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -


Good job! Thank you very much.

As your social partners have pointed out I do believe that our module should include a few more examples of best practices. We may want to add links to online available good practices at least.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


As promised, find attached a DRAFT evaluation form to collect written feedback from participants in roadshows. Please, provide feedback during this week. If no suggestions from your side are circulated by this Sunday, we'll understand that the draft will be used as the FINAL evaluation form for all roadshows.

Remember, all information retrieved through this form will have to be sent to Stephen (in English) for him to be able to evaluate the impact of the project. Thanks!

Mariano & Pilar

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Thanks for this Mariano.  These questions look great.  I'll incorporate them in the "Exit Survey" on the platform: https://www.agediversity.org/quiz/exit-survey/ so we can gather the data that way as well and continue to gather the data as we continue to use the online tool.



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hello Matt and the rest of the crew,

Would you be able to share all presentations used last Monday along our final conference in Brussels, please? They include interesting information which will be useful in the preparation of upcoming roadshows. Thank you very much!

I hope that you all had a safe trip back home.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano and everyone. Here are my slides.  Could we all send our slides and I'll put them online.  I'm also going to put a composite video together with some clips from each of the speakers.  I thought all of the social partners were especially interesting and show the value of our work.


Could i quickly check what the arrangements are for the translations of the online tool?  I have just added Italy's page thanks to Paolo's translations.  Please note that there are two extra pages which are needed for translation- the landing page for the project (https://www.agediversity.org/research_theme/social-partners/) and the COmmunity of Practice page (https://www.agediversity.org/course/communityofpractice/) which includes an exit survey and invitation to join our expert panel.  I'm happy to input your material or you have the log in details to add the material directly.



In reply to Matt Flynn


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hi everyone,

Please find attached our ppt presentation.

Do you want me to organise an ADAPT special bulletin that collects all the final conference's presentation? Here're few examples:





In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Izabela Warwas -

hi colleagues,

Polish team presentation is in attached file.

Paolo, bulletin like you sent is a very good idea in my opinion.

Matt, could you send final version of our conference agenda. I need it as a documentation in finance department :-). And one more question. Matt, do you remember we prepared blog about Age Management in SMEs. Is it ready to publish? Do you need my help to finalize it?

Have a nice weekend



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Paolo,

I don't quite understand the type of contribution that you are asking to produce such a special bulletin. Could you please clarify what it is that you would be expecting from us?



In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -

Roadshow events

Dear partners,

The 3 Spanish roadshow events are already on its way. The first one shall take place tomorrow in Seville. Then, this Thursday we'll have the second one in Granada. Finally, we have scheduled the third roadshow this coming Monday, 29th April, in Granada too.

Please, could you share your plan for implementation of your 3 roadshow events? Remember that our deadline for this final activity is 30th April.

Don't forget to circulate a sign-up list of attendees, take picture and, most important, ask participants to fill our the evaluation form (attached). Thanks!

Mariano & Pilar


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Mariano Sánchez -


Just a few words to let you know that we have run our 3 roadshow events as planned. We've gathered valuable information through our evaluation form. Remember that all feedback raised in these forms should be sent to Stephen so that he is able to take it into account when drafting the project's evaluation report.

Regarding the Spanish online module it is basically ready except for a few details.

Therefore, we think that the Spanish team has carried out all expected tasks for WP7 & WP8.

Finally, on a side note, we'd like to share the following piece that it is very much linked to our project:


All best wishes from Granada,

Pilar & Mariano

In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Paolo Tomassetti -

Hello everybody!

I'm glad to inform you that we also have run the 3 Italian roadshow events as planned.

Attached is the related registration lists, evaluation forms and pictures.

Best wishes,


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Does anyone have a high resolution version of the Aspire logo?

In reply to Matt Flynn

Re: Logo

by Mariano Sánchez -


I am afraid we don't have that. We've been using extra-sized versions of the original logo.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Mariano Sánchez -


In the preparation of our final meeting I have been reading reports uploaded to the ASPIRE's platform. I am not sure that we are meeting requirements under Article II.8 in the GENERAL CONDITIONS document for the project regarding "Visibility of Union funding". Let me copy this Article for you:

II.8.1 Information on Union funding and use of the European Union emblem
Unless the Commission requests or agrees otherwise, any communication or publication made
by the beneficiaries jointly or individually that relates to the action, including at conferences,
seminars or in any information or promotional materials (such as brochures, leaflets, posters,
presentations, in electronic form, etc.), must:
(a) indicate that the action has received funding from the Union; and
(b) display the European Union emblem.

When displayed in association with another logo, the European Union emblem must have appropriate prominence.

The obligation to display the European Union emblem does not confer on the beneficiaries a
right of exclusive use. The beneficiaries may not appropriate the European Union emblem or
any similar trademark or logo, either by registration or by any other means.
For the purposes of the first, second and third subparagraphs and under the conditions
specified therein, the beneficiaries may use the European Union emblem without first
obtaining permission from the Commission.

II.8.2 Disclaimers excluding Commission responsibility
Any communication or publication that relates to the action, made by the beneficiaries jointly
or individually in any form and using any means, must indicate:
(a) that it reflects only the author’s view; and
(b) that the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the
information it contains."

I am afraid that all our reports include the EU emblem BUT not an explicit acknowledgment of EU funding nor a disclaimer excluding Commission responsibility. All of this is only made clear at the ASPIRE website as a container of the reports. However, I understand that ALL publications and communications should abide by this Article.

What should we do about this question before it is too late?


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Hi Mariano-


THanks so much for spotting this.  I've now added the statement on funding and the logo on all of the reports.  I put them on every page of all of the reports except the Evidence Report (which i put on the second page).  I had a little trouble with the Spain desk research report word formatting.  If you have the word doc for it, I can fix it.


By the way, I'm in Brussels now.  If everyone coming in tomorrow want to meet for dinner, it will be great to see you then.



In reply to Matt Flynn


by Mariano Sánchez -

Hi Matt

Find attached our desk report. THanks.

The Spanish group won't make it for dinner in Brussels.


In reply to Mariano Sánchez


by Matt Flynn -

Thanks Mariano! I've now updated all of the reports.  Thanks so much again for spotting this.  It's a lot better that we fixed this ourselves before being spotted by the EC.



In reply to Paolo Tomassetti

UK Evaluation

by Matt Flynn -

Hi everyone-

I apologise for the late response. We have spoken to employers and union reps to get feedback on the online tool. There are a few events coming up but I can report the feedback so far:

We received mainly positive feedback on the tool's content. There is a lot of useful information. It was thought that 'further reading' material would be helpful so the reader could read in more depth on a subject which is the focus of their workplace.  For example, somebody using the tool may be focused on flexible working and may want to see good practice guides on flexiworking from social partners or good practice case studies.  This shouldn't be too difficult to add and we can each add further reading texts from our respective countries in our respective pages.

It was thought that the material will be very useful for trainers and people interested in looking at Active Ageing in depth.  TO that end, I'm talking with East Riding College which runs union rep training about disseminating on their courses for union reps.  It was thought it'd be less helpful for someone who wants to read up on Active Ageing over a lunch break or for CPD students.  TO that end, Newcastle is arranging to maintain CHris' employment contract to develop a shortened version of the tool for Future Learn which can be used by members of the public.  Once this is developed, it will have full acknowledgement of all of the partners, EC, and ASPIRE project and if you're interested, we could either replicate in Italian, SPanish and Polish and/or let you use it for your learning platforms.  THis will benefit us as it will maximise on impact and widen the scope of service users.


In reply to Paolo Tomassetti


by Matt Flynn -


I've added some of the video interviews which Chris and i have done onto the English part of the platform.  We have some really interesting insights from people in academia (including Alan Walker) unions (eg Chris Haswell whom you met in Brussels) and the media (Kerry Hannon).  We still have some more to edit.  One of the features of youtube now is that you can get an autogenerated translation. THese need to be edited but it might not be a huge effort.  THere was one interview I did with Jurgen Deller which i really liked but the sound quality was bad.  The automatic transcriber was able to catch about 80% of the discussion accurately and this was with really poor sound quality. I edited the rest. It might be worth checking how well the translator works.  If you all have videos in your modules, I'll see if the translator works back to English.

If you are interested in using any of the videos we have, you can find them on: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8NewFIgUCeNHpYsh7D7VAg. If you want to use one for your site, I'll make a copy and you can set up the translator.

